Major Spoilers caught up with Dan to chat about the return of Rai #6 and what he can bring to the character he has populated the series with.
Browsing: dan abnett
Darkseid stands triumphant again? Here is your sneak peek of Justice League Odyssey #24 from Dan Abnett and Cliff Richards.
In RAI #6, Rai and Raijin stop by to help a maniple of Roman legionnaires take down an attack by rampaging were-beasts, before spurning the survivor’s hospitality. Elsewhere, Spylocke dares to infiltrate the AI known as the Bloodfather to understand its plans. With death at every turn, dare you read this Major Spoilers review?
Valiant Entertainment has released a preview of Wednesday’s Rai #6 from Dan Abnett and Juan Jose Ryp, that you can check out right now.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Justice League Odyssey #23 from DC Comics.
2000AD PROG 2193 contains multitudes! Follow Judge Dredd as he battles the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, gasp as Tee defends against the Luxine Knights, hoot and holler as Solomon Ravne takes on the demonic Red Madonna, wonder as reality collapses in The Order and venture into the far unknown in The Out! Will you survive these tumultuous adventures? Find out in your next mighty Major Spoilers review!
Five tales from the future of mankind as Judge Dredd gets some UK action, Damien Dellamore decides he can’t do without his libido, five kids suit up against an alien menace, reality collapses and the far corners of the galaxy aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Who lives and who dies? You’ll have to read this Major Spoilers review to find out!
Dejah Thoris #6 concludes the second arc of Dan Abnett and Vasco Georgiev’s tale in this week’s issue from Dynamite Entertainment.
Darkseid seeks absolute control of time, and Epoch has all but handed him that godlike power in Justice League Odyssey #22 from DC Comics.
The monstrous Mother Spider of Golpas will not be denied their meal in this week’s Dejah Thoris #5 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Azrael is possessed by Darkseid. Cancel Christmas. Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League Odyssey #20 awaits!
It’s a new jumping on point in this week’s Dejah Thoris #4 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Rai #5 from Valiant Entertainment. The issue arrives in stores on March 11, 2020.
Dynamite Entertainment sent Major Spoilers this sneak peek of Dejah Thoris #3 that lands in stores on Wednesday.