Browsing: Avengers Inc.

A murder that isn’t a murder, a hero who may be the villain, a villain who may be the hero, and Janet Van Dyne stuck in the middle of it all. Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Inc. #5 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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When there’s a murder in the afterlife, who can a Valkyrie get to investigate? How about a founding Avenger and her technically dead partner? Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Inc. #3 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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There’s a ghost in Avengers Mansion, with a deadly agenda. Good thing The Wasp brought both a Vision AND a Shade with her. Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers, Inc. #2 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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Whirlwind has tried to kill The Wasp dozens of times. So, why is she trying to solve his murder? Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers Inc. #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

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