Valiant Entertainment sent us this sneak peek of The Harbinger #5 that arrives on Wednesday, and because we like you a whole lot, we’re sharing the sneak peek with you.
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If you thought the first four issues of the latest volume of VENOM were crazy, take the jump for this sneak peek of Venom #5 from Marvel Comics.
Here is your sneak peek of Marvel’s Voices: Legacy #1 from Marvel Comics.
Otto Octavius just irrevocably altered the multiverse. Now he must do everything he can to undo a paradox of his own creation in this sneak peek of Devil’s Reign: Superior Four #2 from Marvel Comics.
Wonder Woman versus the Shining Knight? It all goes down in this sneak peek of Wonder Woman #784 from DC Comics.
Not even the combined power of the ex-Green Lanterns, Jo Mullein, and the United Planets can stop the Anti-Guardian! Who will be able to defeat the threat? Find out in this sneak peek of Green Lantern #11 from DC Comics.
This morning the Academy released the latest nominees for the Oscars with Netflix original, Power of the Dog leading the way with 12 nominations and genre icon remake, Dune, hot on the Benedict Cumberbatch-led Western with 10 nominations to its title. Kenneth Branagh’s Belfast and Steven Spielberg’s West Side Story remakes are also among top nominees picking up nominations across multiple award categories.
The big conclusion to the latest Jennifer Blood series happens this week in the pages of Jennifer Blood #5 from Dynamite Entertainment.
The rebirth of the bad boy of comics continues in this week’s Evil Ernie #3 from Dynamite Entertainment.
New romance anthology drops from Archie Comics this week! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Archie Love and Heartbreak Special.
Marvel Comics sent Major Spoilers this sneak peek of Moon Knight #8 that arrives in stores on Wednesday.
Here is a sneak peek of My Little Pony Generations #5 from IDW Publishing. The issue arrives in stores on Wednesday.
Henry Bendix’s plans for ultimate control threaten every superhero on Earth! DC Comics sent Major Spoilers this sneak peek of Superman: Son of Kal-El #8 that arrives today.
Ace the Bat-Hound is locked away in a secret lab run by super-villains! Will he escape!? Find out in this sneak peek of Batman: Urban Legends #12 from DC Comics.