Browsing: Ten Things

In the not-too-distant future, way down in Deep 13, more than just a few superheroes have made their way onto the insidious screens of the various Mads.  But how many of them fly like morons? When it comes to Mystery Science Theater 3000, the smart money is on “most of them.”  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Sometimes, our fictional heroes take their names from animals, sometimes from natural phenomena and a few from the bug that bit them.  Then there are those who look to history for their heroic noms de guerre…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Some heroes get their powers from magic, others from the light of alien suns…  And then, there are those who are empowered by ingestion, proving once and for all the adage that ‘You are what you eat!’  Welcome to Ten Things!

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The secret identity is a curious thing.  Clark Kent is wildly different from Superman, while Tony Stark makes little pretense of being different in his costume than out.  Then there are heroes who identities require a flowchart, a scorecard and a long memory…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Over the years, our fictional heroes have developed more rounded personalities and varied motivations, but this has led to moments of conflict as well.  In fact, some of our crusading pals even caused enough friction to get themselves fired…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Nearly a century after the codification of the modern superhero, we have literally thousands of examples, with names ranging from poetic to “Morph.”  Some, however, are more descriptive than others…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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In days of yore, spouses would adorn the heads of their long-time spouses with silver or gold, but these days, even the first anniversary has a traditional gift representing the phases of marriage.  But where do the super-dupers come in to this?  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Though not the longest-lived comics company of the Golden Age, Quality Comics output proves that the company’s moniker wasn’t just a clever name.  With the likes of Uncle Sam, The Phantom Lady and Black Condor still rattling around the DC Universe, their presence is still felt today.  Of course, their greatest alumnus is the stretching adventurer Eel O’Brien, known to the world as Plastic Man! He’s not on this list, but now I bet you’re all wondering who is…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Lots of heroes go solo exclusively, others work exclusively in groups.  Some, like Batman and Luke Cage, prefer a single partner in their feats of derring-do. But what about those elusive three-person combos? Welcome to Ten Things!

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When it comes to our favorite super-dupers, not everybody can be a mild-mannered reporter, Air Force nurse or international bon vivant and playboy, but that’s not to say their RWJ’s aren’t still impressive…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Or, if you want to be all ‘Ted Mosby’ about it, call it ‘Ten Comic Book Frankenstein’s Monsters’; whatever blows up your dress.  However you want to describe ’em, here’s a bunch of sewn-together flesh golems for your Halloween enjoyment!  Welcome to Ten Things!

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