Browsing: Solicitations

DC Comics has sent Major Spoilers the cover images and solicitation information for titles arriving in stores July 2008. Take the jump for Trinity, Final Crisis, and more. You’ll want to take special note of this solicitation list, as there are several titles (one well loved) that is coming to an end.

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With the 25th anniversary of American Flagg coming in July, Image Comics has announced it will release a hardcover definitive edition of the series. “This hardcover goes well beyond my wildest initial expectations,” creator Howard Chaykin said. “The past few years consisted of remastering and restoring every line of every panel on every page to ensure this is the best edition possible. I have been extremely fortunate to have both Image Comics and Dynamite Entertainment working hard on this hardcover, and they have made me, as a creator of one of my most personal works, as happy as possible. I…

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Image Comics has announced The Charlatan Ball will be a new ongoing title from Joe Casey and Andy Suriano. CHARLATAN BALL follows C-level magician Chuck Amok and his pet rabbit, Caesar, as they’re unknowingly entangled in a multi-dimensional war they can’t even begin to comprehend, where magic is the main weapon of choice for all its combatants. The only one who knows the truth is the one who brought him here: the untrustworthy Demon Empty, and he’s not talking. The series follows the misadventures of Chuck and Caesar thrown headlong into a world of super-psychedelia. Charlatan Ball arrives June 11,…

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Good news for those of you that came late to the Atomic Robo party – the series is getting its first trade this June. Take the jump for the other titles shipping from Red 5 Comics in June 2008.

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In a world destroyed by terrorism, only the War Heroes can save the day. Or so is the premise behind Image Comics latest series deploying this June from Mark Millar and Tony Harris. “WAR HEROES is everything I’ve been leading up to with CIVIL WAR, ULTIMATES, THE AUTHORITY, KICK ASS and WANTED,” said Millar. “In a way, it’s the culmination of superhero concepts I’ve thus far only dreamed about, brought to fruition due to Tony’s artwork beautiful line work and the unique creative freedom Image Comics provides. Consider this our ULTIMATES 3.” War Heroes #1 will sell for $2.99. via…

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Image Comics has sent Major Spoilers the cover images and solicitation information for titles arriving in June 2008. Take the jump for info on Kill All Parents, Vix #1, Scud The Disposable Assassin.

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IDW Publishing has announced the first four issues of Angel: After the Fall have sold out, prompting the company to return to press for additional copies of all issues. “The fact that Angel: After the Fall has moved so steadily with each issue has been incredibly gratifying,” said IDW’s Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall. “Most amazing is the fact that we’ve printed more of each subsequent issue than the previous one, and have overprinted to a greater degree than usual, and still the issues keep selling out. The sell-outs are quite a testament to the support from retailers and the loyal fan…

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Dark Horse Comics has announced the K Chronicles, a collection of rapper/cartoonist Keith Knight’s comic strip, will be made available in an omnibus edition. The K Chronicles tackles such touchy subjects as racism, violence, and sex with a self-deprecating sense of humor, personal honesty and light-hearted goofiness rarely found in a newspaper comic strip. The result is accessible yet subversive, compassionate and sardonic, without being preachy. The K Chronicles arrives July 23, 2008 for $24.95. via Dark Horse

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Top Cow has sent Major Spoilers the solicitations and cover images for titles shipping in June 2008. Things to look out for include the Freshman HC, and summer special, and several convention specials.

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