It’s time once again, for You to pick the next trade paperback we read and discuss on the Major Spoilers Podcast.
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With Batman v Superman landing in theaters on March 25th, we’ve seen a lot of the pick your side type promotions going on, which includes popular breakfast cereals getting in on the act. Not one to be left behind, we have our own Batman v Superman debate for your consideration this week.
Recent discussions about the fate of Thag Simmons had me thinking about days long ago past, where reading the newspaper meant discovering items of world interest, seeing who was looking to hook up, and best of all, the comic section. Back in my day (yeah, yeah, quiet you), there were two must read strips that would never disappoint – The Far Side by Gary Larson, and Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson.
Sure, we’d all love to be adopted son or daughter of Bruce Wayne, or the ward of Matt Murdock. Heck, as long as you kept your room clean and had dinner on the table on time, Bruce Banner could even be a good parent. When it comes to great parents, with a super dynamic, two spring to mind; The Parrs (The Incredibles) and The Richards (Fantastic Four). Given the choice, which parents would you like to have? VOTE! [poll id=”426″]
When it comes to sounding off, many of us can go on a jag ranting and raving about comic books, working in call centers, or driving in Topeka. But when it comes to the Geek Rant, none can hold a candle to Kevin Smith and Max Landis. But who is the Geek Rant King? VOTE! [poll id=”425″]
The most interesting poll of the week suggestion I’ve seen in months comes from Major Spoilerite Silvergray, who wants you to answer this all important question – Who was the sexiest in their prime: Adam West or William Shatner. Well… What are you waiting for? VOTE [poll id=”424″]
Last week, DC Entertainment announced it was launching a whole new line of comics based on Warner Bros. Entertainment’s Hanna-Barbera properties. Some radically updated characters and settings, while more seem toned down. But, because this is the Internet, the only opinion that matters is YOURS! VOTE! [poll id=”423″]
We are officially into the back half of the new season of television shows. So much to watch. So much to like. So much to hate. What show are you enjoying the most right now? VOTE! [poll id=”422″]
When it comes to the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week, many of the suggestions sent to us from fine Spoilerites around the world ultimately boil down to a battle between Marvel and DC. For example, this week’s poll of the week, as Groot taking on Bizarro in a fight. VOTE! [poll id=”421″]
There are so many things you can collect as part of the “thing” you are into – shirts, coffee mugs, posters, are just a few. When it comes to your favorite part of pop culture, we’re narrowing that list to two. [poll id=”420″]
NBCUniversal completed its annual survey of Fandango users, asking them to pick their most anticipated movies of 2016. It’s a pretty good list, but I’m rather surprised Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is ranked number one. This leads to this week’s Major Spoilers Poll of the Week. [poll id=”419″]
It’s almost been two weeks, when the mythical Spoiler-Ban is lifted and people will spill their guts about everything they’ve loved and hated about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. With opening weekend and the Christmas holiday in our rearview window, and with record after record smashed, I need to know one thing – have you seen the movie yet? VOTE! [poll id=”418″]
It’s the holidays! Corporations are shutting down, kids are out of school, but for some reason, Major Spoilers continues to shovel coal into the engine so we can keep chug-chug-chugging along. Speaking of coal… [poll id=”417″] Don’t forget to use the comment section to justify your response!
This week, we are ending the epic battle between Sandman and Clayface, and turning our attention to something a bit more cerebral. Major Spoilerite Vistapa wants to know if would rather travel through time or through alternate dimensions? It’s a great question that demands you response. VOTE! [poll id=”416″] Also, don’t forget to use the comment section below to share your reasoning.