Browsing: Podcast

UPDATE:  There’s an audio error due to editing, where Matthew is out of sync for the first 45 minutes of the show.  I won’t be able to fix this until later tonight, when I’m done with my video work. This time around, we lament the loss of a new imprint, some old friends, and Stephen’s patience. Meanwhile, Rodrigo’s in the timestream, Stephen’s in Free Fall, and Matthew’s in Tower City, while Skrull Bryan decides that if he can’t take over the world, he’ll at least be the lord of Bogey’s drive-in… Plus: we know your mama dresses you funny, so…

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This issue: Mighty C’Thu’lu rests at R’yleth! Britt Reid and Kato emerge from the Black Beauty! Cliffjumper gets ready to layeth the smacketh downeth on a Hobbit (Here’s a hint: Bet on the giant robot.) Where to start collecting comics! How to stop watching anime! Why to keep up with Secret Invasion! What is up with new Hitchhiker’s Guide? The Schleicher has turned on the ‘No Smoking’ sign, so strap your tray tables up, secure all personal belongings, and please return the stewardess to her original upright position… This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct…

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This time around: don we now our geek apparel, a freaky-tongued guy gets an origin, Babs Gordon has a real potty mouth, Matthew loves Rosario Dawson, Rodrigo visits the Ginza, Stephen gets the worst of a TOM WELLING PUNCH!! Plus, do you write the songs that make the whole world sing? Can you rhyme with Spoilers? All this, and much, much more, as the show hits the Big Four-Oh, and now wants a 20-something girlfriend and a big red sports car… This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast…

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Today, the nominations for the 4th Annual Podcast Awards open. It would be such a thrill for the Major Spoilers Podcast to make the nominated list and maybe even win an award. We’ll need a crap-ton of nominations to make the cut, and we could really use your help. Go to Podcast Awards and nominate “Major Spoilers Podcast” in the Best Produced and Entertainment categories. Use the following URL for the Podcast URL field: Don’t forget to put your name and e-mail, and why you think we are deserving of the award. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPS! And for…

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In this week’s madness: Costumed hooligans! Teenagers in tights! Venkman returns, but does that kid from Pleasantville? One irks letter Q, one fights number two, but their inevitable ranking is up to you. All this plus: Matthew’s secret crush! Save the cheerleader, save NBC’s ratings! Rodrigo in the 40’s! Matthew chasing the dragon! We STILL need a theme song! And that Schleicher kid is two weeks late, and 98 cents short, all on this, the 39th in a series of 25 podcasts… This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed…

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This time ‘round: The Right Hand of DOOM! Monkeys in Spandex! Wee Hughie In Theatres! Who Brought Up Chuck? Theme songs, theme songs, theme songs… Somebody’s getting a statue! Stephen’s got a hero in his front pocket for yooou! And Terra’s big brother steps up to the plate in a pretty big way, as Stephen is finally happy that SOMETHING is older than him, it’s our .38 special, so hold on loosely, you’re back where you belong, we’re all caught up in you… This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS…

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Big Blue starts anew, senior citizens in skin tight leather, Major Spoilers Theme Song, free swag in the bag, and more comics than you can reasonably shake a stick at! Plus: Matthew, Matthew, Matthew, and some crap from those other guys, Stan and… um… Reynaldo, or something. All this and much, much more, as the Major Spoilers podcast hits 37… in a row!? This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes after the Jump!

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In this outing: The news yas can use! The comic book reviews! The Statue of Bruce! Kirk and Han’s number twos! The Sturges interviews! Tag might make you say “eewwwws!” Beetle’s got the blues! And one listener in ten gets the joke when I say, “Burma Shave.” All this and more, cause papa needs a new pair of shoes This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes (and more art) after the Jump

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In this outing: The Bug is Back! Outer Space Studs Cracking Skulls! Buster Crabbe, where have you gone? Last Chance For Bruce Wayne! First Kills For Frank Castle! Curses, foiled again! Jack Knight is in the house, Patsy Walker in the arctic, and Matthew’s in a a great and furious rage for reasons unrelated, as the Major Spoilers Podcast is now eligible for public office… President Spoilers, anyone? This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( Thanks to Jason for leaving a tip in the Major Spoilers Tip Jar! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast…

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In addition to all the good stuff coming down the pipe (does good stuff really come down the pipe?), the Major Spoilers crew will be diving into DC’s Starman Omnibus. The super-heroic legacy of Starman is renewed in these stories, in which Jack Knight — antiques collector and dealer — inherits the name and powers of his father’s old Starman identity from his older brother, who has been assassinated. Reluctantly adjusting to his role, Jack reinvents the look of Starman, ditching the traditional red and green in favor of black leather and aviator goggles. But Jack has inherited more than…

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Yes it is time for a shameless plug for the Major Spoilers Podcast.  We’re pushing our way to 2,000 downloads per episode, and as soon as we pass that mark on a regular basis, you’ll be seeing even more great things from the Major Spoilers Gang of Idiots. “It’s always refreshing to come upon a podcast that is done by people who SHOULD be podcasting.  These guys do a great job of talking all things comics and pop culture.  They’re geeks without being losers. That’s a good thing.  Keep up the great work guys.” -Bighonkin “These guys have it all…

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This time around: Who Watches the Watchmen?  Who Remembers Earth 2?  Who Knows What Evil Lurks on Earth-22?  Who wrote the book of love?  For that matter, who wrote the book of Leviticus?  We check in on Ultimate Marvel, the Batman of the future, Danger Will Robinson! a faithful Spoilerite gets his just desserts, and there may be a Skrull among us!  All this and much more as we hit number 34 This episode is sponsored in part by the Mid-Ohio-Con ( [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes After the Jump

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On this week’s Major Spoilers Podcast (recording tonight):  Rodrigo’s out of town this week, so we’re bringing in a special guest star we haven’t heard from in some time.  Who could it be?  Download episode 34 and find out.

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This time around: The SDCC without SD? DK2, all for you? Thunderbolts are go! The scion of Asgard meets the sons of the plains! The young Dark Knight meets an ancient ritual! And we ask that musical question: Was the Satellite of Love better before the crate of Hamdingers? Plus: can anyone make Matthew give a rat’s hindquarters about Bullseye and Venom? I wouldn’t bet the rent, but you might make a sandwich and settle in, it’s our thirty-third gala escapade. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes After the Jump

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