Browsing: Marvel

Or – “Is It Still A Revamp When There’s Nothing Of The Old Concept Left?” The year was 1997… It was cold in Hays, Kansas, I remember that much. Granted, it’s pretty much always cold in Hays, but nevertheless. My friend Bruce had picked up an issue of The Hulk that featured strange new heroes, led by a star-spangled goof in a pointy mask, and I immediately found them intriguing. With The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man and The Hulk trapped in a parallel universe (a strange and bizarre place where someone foolishly thought that Rob Liefeld could draw…

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The comic publishers are really jumping on the cryptic image promotion to get us all worked up on their next big project. This one is Spider-Man themed, asking the question, “What would you do…with one more day?”  Is someone going to die?  We know Mary Jane or Aunt May are in the gunsite of someone (Kingpin perhaps?). We’ll have to wait until later this year when the J Michael Stracynci and Joe Quesada story drops that promises to change Spider-Man’s life forever. via Marvel (link)

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Marvel Comics came a knocking and dropped off its solicitation information and cover images for titles shipping in May 2007. Fall-out from Civil War continues in several titles and one shots, plus the Marvel Zombies are back in Black Panther #28. Dang, those zombies never die. And why should they? Marvel Zombies has become a huge money maker for the company. Take the jump for the complete list, and click on the thumbnails for the big cover images.

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Or – “What The Heck Do I Call A Dead Character NOW?” There’s an inherent pitfall to the way I do my reviews. My rules are simple: I pick some titles to go over, stick ’em in a pile by my comfy chair, and review them, in roughly chronological order. Scan the good bits, babble incoherently, then enjoy a Milk-Bone in a commie-free world. But when a book comes out that has spoilery material, it quickly becomes a topic of discussion, and makes me feel like I’m behind the curve when I get ’round to it. Case in point? Civil…

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I told you last week Diamond Select Toys will be releasing toy versions of Marvel’s Zombies series. Major Spoilers has an image of Zombie Spider-Man, but today I found out it won’t be the first figure to hit the streets demanding brains. Zombie Captain America will be released in September ready to use his shield to hack away at his victim’s skulls to get at the pink gooey goodness. Also announced are Minimate Marvel Zombies that will include Zombie Hulk, Cap, Luke Cage, Wolverine and Spider-Man. Take the jump for the horrifying images that are really kind of cute.

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Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi’s first issue of Wolverine has sold out at Diamond, according to Marvel. The sellout also includes the black and white variant cover. Marvel says they have no plans to go back to print for another printing, but as we’ve seen before, give it a few days and the company will probably change it’s mind. Loeb considers this his first major project for Marvel, and is extremely pleased with the news. “The biggest hugs go out to my two contributors,” says Loeb, “my long time pal and astonishing artist Ed “Ed” McGuinness and then there’s the…

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Or – “Time Is An Illusion. Lunchtime, Doubly So.” In my other job, I have been fielding a lot of questions about why the series was solicited as 6 issues, but the story hasn’t ended here. Indeed, until this issue, each month’s Eternals bore the legend “(issue #) of 6.” Simple answer: Neil Gaiman asked for more pages to finish out his story, and, with millions upon millions of Sandman trades in circulation, you don’t say no to Neil Gaiman. He’s the nicest 500 pound gorilla in comics. When I covered issue four of this series, sometime back in the…

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Black Panther and his bride Storm have jumped into Marvel’s Civil War, siding with Captain America and the Anti-Registration renegades. Now they are preparing for their greatest battle against the Thor Clone, or is it Clone Thor? Maybe it should be Bizzaro Thor? Meh. Still going to be one hell of a battle. Marvel has sent us a four page preview of Black Panther #25. Who is going to get the smack-down and who will survive?

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Diamond Select Toys and Marvel will be bringing those not so shuffling undead heros to “life” in the form of seven-inch action figures. First up will be undead Spidey complete with removeable leg. Yum! And like other Marvel figures, each Marvel Zombie wil contain a body part so you can build your own Marvel Zombies Silver Surfer. Complete details will be announced next week during the American International Toy Fair.

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Crossovers are a big deal, especially when it is the first time two characters meet. This April, Top Cow and Marvel team up pitting Witchblade and the Punisher. Who’s going to win? While the Punisher has all those weapons, Sara Pezzini does have THE weapon. Urban legend tells of a brutal vigilante on an endless quest to avenge his family, innocent bystanders killed years ago in a mob shootout. He’s the boogie man that criminals warn their troublemaking kids about, and is called-The Punisher. As a New York City homicide detective, Sara Pezzini has seen just about everything, and she…

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Or – “The Thin Line Between High Concept and Dumb Idea.” Yesterday was the first Saturday of the month, what we at Gatekeeper Hobbies (Gage & Huntoon, Topeka, KS, tell ’em Matthew sent ya!) call “Buying Day.” Padding out the bottom of a box of comics we MEANT to buy was a very dog-eared copy of Master Of Kung Fu, circa 1980, that was bound for one of two places: The Quarter Bin, or my collection. Since the two are generally synonymous (and since I remember this book from my youth), I thought we might all enjoy it together, and…

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As a space traveling devourer of worlds you need beings to herald your precense. But during that whole Annihilation thing, former herald, Terrax was made the pawn of Annihilus (curse him!). Now with the war over, Terrax is free or is he? More info and a massive seven page peek hints at what is to come in Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus – Terrax/Stardust One Shot.

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Using Sketchup, a freely available 3D program, Joe Quesada has built a 3D representation of Tony Stark’s Stark Tower, complete with Sentry’s Watchtower. “I set about doing a bit of an experiment in order to demonstrate the possibilities and potential for myself of employing simple 3-D programs into the making of a comic book. As an artist I could certainly see the benefits, especially when it comes to time management and complex pages,” says Marvel Editor in Chief. “I felt that building a model of Stark Tower would prove interesting, primarily because the Sentry Watchtower on the very top hasn’t…

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