Browsing: Marvel

Jon Favreau posted a quick message over at his MySpace page letting everyone know what is up with Iron Man. We are done with the first week of photography. I am happy to report that the ten months of preparation allowed the extremely challenging first week of photography to come off without a hitch. The look is fantastic and the performances are great as well. Downey was definitely the right choice. I’m looking forward to getting out of the “cave.” The first few weeks of shooting are spent, somewhat in sequence, establishing Stark’s captivity. It sets the table tonally for…

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Or – “When Is A Surprise Ending NOT A Surprise?” There’s a theory that circulates around my comic shop about the Fantastic Four, that states that people misunderstand the roles of the members. Contrary to popular assumption, says our thesis, Sue is NOT the heart of the Fantastic Four. That’s Ben Grimm, the member most likely to respond on an emotional level. Likewise, Ben is not the steel in the FF’s backbone, it’s Sue that truly acts as the team’s fist, the spine that will not break, even when everything has gone to pot and a big purple fat guy…

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Or – “Multiple Maaan, Multiple Maaan, Doin’ The Things A Multiple Caaan…” It’s no coincidence that, in addition to titling this particular book, “x-factor” refers to that certain something that raises a particular person, place or thing above the average and mundane. Every time I feel like I’ve gotten the whole story on the characters, they throw me a curve and I have to start all over. From Guido’s sudden murderous turn (he was brainwashed) to the Siryn/M/Madrox triangle (they weren’t) to the strange vibe surrounding “House of M” plot device Layla Miller (she’s more than she seems, but we…

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Or – “Who’s The King, Baby? Whaddaya mean ‘Kirby?’ ” There are some concepts that are just flat-out too cool to be ignored. The original premise of “Marvel Zombies,” to be honest, is NOT one of them. It sounds like Marvel just cashing in on the usual crazes. “Walking Dead” sells for Image, so we get the writer of that to bang out a one-off series featuring zombie versions of Marvel heroes. What they DIDN’T count on was the off-kilter humor of Kirkman, and the way that he translated his long-time love of Marvel’s finest into beautiful character moments, distilling…

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Marvel has announced Mighty Avengers #1 has sold out at Diamond, prompting the company to go back to press. The new cover features one of the splash pages from artist Frank Cho. The 2nd printing will be available April 4, 2007. You know what to do…

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We all have our addictions, heck I have a whole room devoted to this crazy hobby. What if you had an addiction to being a superhero? That is the premise behind Loners #1. Originally appearing in the pages of Brian K. Vaughan’s Runaways, Darkhawk, Turbo, Ricochet, Green Goblin, and Lightspeed are all grown up and trying to stay out of spandex. But quitting is easier said than done. Marvel sent us a whopping seven page preview for you to check out.

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Omega Flight made its debut in Civil War: The Initiative, now the Canucks get their own title with Omega Flight #1. Marvel Comics dropped off a sneak peek of the first issue by writer Mike Oeming and artist Scott Kolins.

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We’ve known for a while that Jeff Bridges would be playing Obidiah Stane in the upcoming Iron Man movie. Today, Superhero Hype (via, has a few pictures of the shaved Bridges as a teaser for his upcoming look.

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Captain America may be dead (for now) but you can relive his adventures over and over again through that popular medium video games. Since 1987 Captain America has been duking it out with villians across the Marvel Universe. While some of the games may seem REALLY bad by today’s standards, I remember some of these when they first came out and “marvel”ed at how cool they were. Marvel has created a retrospective of Captain America related games through the ages, and here are a peek at a few. Memories…

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Marvel Comics announced Civil War: The Initiative has sold out at Diamond and the company is going back to press for a second printing. And of course, there is a variant cover to go along with it.

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Dynamite Entertainment has released the cover image for the exclusive variant edition of Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness #1. Painted by Marvel Zombie master Authur Suydam, this homage to the cover of Uncanny X-Men #137 is limited to only 3000 copies. To see the full cover, you know what to do…

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Or – “The Song Remains The Same…” Every limited series boils down to one of three premises. The establishment or re-emphasizing of important characters or bits of information that may be necessary for upcoming events (see the Annihilation minis or the Infinite Crisis buildup books, or even Uncle Sam & The Freedom Fighters). The second premise is to put and/or keep a character in the spotlight (most of Marvels’ original minis, the Ghost Rider: Hammer Lane mini, and the current White Tiger book all fit this criteria). The Eternals is an example of the third type of series, the revitalization/reworking…

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After reading Matthew’s excellent review of Iron Man #15, I’m sure you are just busting to get own to the local comic shop, pick up your own copy, and read it under the covers with the lights out. You are going to be a little disappointed as Marvel informed us earlier today the issue is completely sold out at Diamond Comics. But fear not! The company said it is rushing back to press to fill the demands and needs of readers. Best of all, the new printing will include the variant cover will feature Iron Man raining down on unsuspecting…

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