Browsing: Marvel

Totally digging the new Hawkeye series from Marvel, and if you are digging on it too, check out the sneak peek for issue #6 that arrives in December.

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Or – “A Whole New Start…” I admit to being a little bit conflicted about this new FF #1.  On the one hand, I’m totally psyched about the teaming of Fraction & Allred, about the characters at play here, and about a new wrinkle for the Future Foundation.  On the other, I’m not sure that I think FF has run its course sufficiently to need a reboot or a relaunch…  Either way, your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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Since giving up the title of Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange has been more of a plot device than a super hero. He had his moments in the spotlight, particularly in Defenders, but now the good doctor has to embrace his inner action hero as he faces off single-handedly against the Avengers as volume 2 of the New Avengers comes to a close. It’s the end of the book as we know it. And how do I feel about it? Find out after the jump.

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This is it! The final chapter of the Minimum Carnage event is here, and if you’ve been reading this far, you’re ready to see how it all ends. Your Major Spoilers review of Minimum Carnage: Omega awaits!

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Marvel’s experiment in re-numbering delivers a new Captain America story. Does the man out of time get a chance to shine, or does Marvel NOW fail on its promises with Captain America #1? All this and more after the jump!

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After some slight embarrassment about his part in the Phoenix saga, Bruce Banner is here to tell Maria Hill what’s what. He wants rights and he wants them now! Also, he Hulks out and beats some people up.

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Or – “Super-Creepy Super-Villains Are Waid’s Stock-In-Trade.” Matt Murdock’s life is in turmoil, thanks to the machinations of a villain that he wrote off as a harmless idiot.  Now that the Spot has returned, and dubbed himself Coyote, Daredevil may be in over his (now-severed) head.  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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This week, Stephen and Matthew sit down to look at Hawkeye #4 from Matt Fraction and Javier Pulido. • You won’t believe what is on The Tape! • S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits Clint to intercept incriminating evidence—before he becomes the most wanted man in the world. • Superstar artist Javier Pulido joins Matt Fraction in a Hawkeye thriller that spans the globe…and the darkest parts of Clint Barton. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed DID YOU READ THIS ISSUE? RATE IT! Reader Rating [ratings] A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show.…

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