Browsing: Major Spoilers

In this installment of Critical Hit: Goblins, goblins everywhere, and then when you least expect it… MORE GOBLINS! This episode is sponsored by Fantasy Coin HQ NOTE: You can download this week’s Critical Hit song for FREE at NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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This week, thanks to ‘Zach On Film’, I was provided with my fourth opportunity to take in Francis Ford Coppola’s magnum opus, ‘Apocalypse Now’, a movie that I’ve never watched of my own accord, for one good reason (for which you can hear the justification during ‘ZoF’.)  As well-crafted a film as it is, it stands among the things I cannot fault for their quality, but still have no interest in experiencing again, alongside Frank Miller’s ‘300’ comic (but decidedly NOT the film adaptation thereof), the Lord of The Rings saga and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I’ve spoken of this before,…

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As a general rule, I’m a little bit leery of comic book adaptations, having been burned more than once by the likes of Reb Brown’s Captain America and the (admittedly awesome but completely source-unfaithful) Japanese Spider-Man.  Still, I’ve been keeping up with ‘Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ each week to see if things ever pick up to the levels of Steranko greatness, or even the revamped late-80s version of Nick’s title.  Having just watched Episode #17, where all heck breaks loose (in as non-spoilery a manner as possible) in the wake of the second Captain America film has picked up the…

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Having reached adulthood in the 1990s, I am required by law to adore certain films: ‘Clerks’, ‘Pulp Fiction’, and ‘Terminator 2’ among them.  In addition to that Mount Rushmore of Clinton-era wonder, I have always enjoyed the revisionist western stylings of ‘Young Guns’ and ‘Young Guns II’ (which I preferred due to the presence of my spirit totem, Christian Slater).  Having grown up in a small redneck town in the middle of the reddest of red states, I had long had an aversion to westerns (as well as country music and Louis L’Amour novels), but Young Guns provided a gateway…

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The next Major Spoilers Live Chat is scheduled for Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 1:30 PM CDT for our Gold Members. Zach and Stephen are going to sit down and chat it up with you about anything related to Major Spoilers or whatever is on your mind! If you aren’t a VIP Gold Member, sign up now and join in on the live stream this Sunday.

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land, the Martians are here, and the end of the world isn’t far behind, as Mars Attacks! Munchkin Apocalypse! Thanks to Shades of Vengeance for sponsoring this episode, check out their Era: The Consortium Kickstarter Tabletop RPG campaign.

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Rumors swirl (as rumors are wont to do) in Hollywood that Disney is still planning a reboot/remake of their 1979 science fiction epic, ‘The Black Hole.’  As one of the vocal fans of that movie, I am torn by this plan.  On the one hand, it’d be lovely to get a new version reawaken interest in the original film, but on the other, I’d kind of rather have a sequel to the original film rather than a re-envisioning.  Whitman Comics attempted such a continuation in their comic book line back in the day, but the response to the film put…

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Another package arrived at the Major Spoilers HQ. Stephen is excited to open his latest want list item from DC Comics Collectibles – Bombshell Batgirl. Don’t forget to listen to The Want List Audio edition each week! New episode every Saturday! Be sure to subscribe to the MajorSpoilersVideo channel! You can buy the Batgirl statue now at a discounted price via our link!

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There are a few unavoidable things in the universe: Death, taxes, Stephen loving Batman, and the fact that, if you bring up “reality television”, someone will go off on a tirade.  To be fair, I share much of the scorn aimed at the genre, but (thanks to my wife loving the competition shows), have found a few interesting moments in episodes of ‘Face/Off’, ‘Survivor’ and even ‘Project Runway.’  This week’s Marvel superheroes challenge on ‘Under The Gunn’ was an interesting one to me, as it put the various fashionistas squarely in my comic book wheelhouse, and managed to match superheroes…

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