Browsing: Major Spoilers

In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The party explores the Underdark. This episode of Critical Hit is sponsored by Use the checkout code Major50 to save 50% off your first week’s order. NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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Yesterday, on the Twitter, our very own Chris Wilson, review snaker extraordinaire and all-around knockabout guy, posited a posit that shook the very foundations of Major Spoilers: Could Aquaman control C’thulhu?  Stephen, with his arcane knowledge of all things Lovecraft and pulp, insisted no, while I with my reverence for the world of comics, maintain that the math should work.  While I certainly understand the counter-argument Stephen threw at me (‘Aquaman can’t control people who live in houseboats!’), I think that the true measure of any theoretical is what makes for a better story afterwards, and for my money, the…

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Top Five Snack Foods Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. In between a meal, or while burning the midnight oil, a snack food is a arm’s length away. In this installment, your hosts countdown their favorite snack foods.

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As the move to digital comics continues, and more cool pieces of ephemera arrive in shops and online stores, the amount of money we spend on our favorite past times seems to grow and grow. Or does it? Every so often we do a spot check to see what we are spending our money on, and how much of it is going to entertainment (comics, movies, toys, games, etc.) VOTE! [poll id=”338″]

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week, Stephen takes a look at some of the upcoming products from Steve Jackson Games.

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Lately, I’ve been in a mood to watch movies, and since there’s pretty much no chance that I’ll be venturing out to our local theatre on a holiday weekend, that means I’ve been perusing the greatest hits of 2012 current in rotation on my pay cable channels.  What I’ve discovered is that Emma Stone makes a pretty fine Gwen Stacy, Katherine Heigl makes a pretty terrible Stephanie Plum and Argo, while a serviceable thriller, was somewhat annoying by the end of the whole affair.  Most interesting of all, despite warnings that a 40-ish comic nerd from the Midwest wouldn’t have…

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According to people who talk on the internet, it’s the best time to be a fan of superheroes, what with the massive cornucopia of movies over the next few years.  Having lived through the early-90s superhero binge that came post ‘Batman’, I’m naturally a bit skeptical, but also kind of excited to see the ‘Dawn Of Justice’ as less Superman sequel and more prelude to a Justice League franchise, even if the film ends up being a straight Frank Miller adaptation.  I honestly hope that it’s a sterling blockbuster and that all hell breaks loose in DC movie-making the same…

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In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: In which the party encounters a Drow… NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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