Browsing: Major Spoilers

Let’s talk straight here: I own a LOT of really awful comic books.  But, in my defense, I’ve also seen a lot of terrible television, read a lot of terrible books, and I’ve seen the Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars at least once.  I know from bad stories is what I’m saying here, but even in the darkest of clouds there is sometimes a Silver Lining.  Witness the wonderful conversation in the other wise execrable ‘The Nude Bomb’ as Don Adams tries to brainstorm a bra made of cantaloupes and linguine (you kind of had to be there), or even…

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As a long-term fan of the sitcom ‘How I Met Your Mother’, I have to admit that one of the major complaints about the show is 100% true: Our protagonist, Ted Mosby, is a card-carrying Jerky Jerkface with a side order of schmuck.  Not withstanding his repeated inability to accept when his paramours turn out to be real people who have their own thoughts and expectations about relationships, he continually shoots himself in the foot by insisting that relationships be “easy” for him while placing undue stress on his partner.  The old married man in me is offended by his…

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Today is Independence Day in the United States, which in my neighborhood will mean booze, barbeque and the repeated detonation of small pyroclastic devices well into the early morning hours.  (Of course, with the exception of the firecrackers, that’s pretty much par for our hometown course.)  In that vein, the radio stations will be blasting any music with the words “America”, “flag” or “proud” in ’em, regardless of whether they’re actually appropriate or not.  Regardless of where you live in the world, though, there are moments that remind you of your home, be it the playing of the Marseilles in…

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Today, we are at the beautiful Snowbird Resort in Salt Lake City, Utah, attending Nerdtacular 2014.  This year, there are multiple tracks, multiple members of the Major Spoilers staff on panels, hosting panels, and arranging panels. If you are not at Nerdtacular, you can catch the stream live!

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From the age of ten or eleven through my early teens, I spent a great deal of time sitting up late to watch mostly inappropriate things on my already-ancient Magnavox TV show.  Benny Hill taught me about the female anatomy, Monty Python about the beauty of absurdity, and Rod Serling knew how to push buttons across the entire emotional spectrum, hitting all the highlights of the human condition.  Rod even knew how to scare the hell out of me, but one of the most terrifying moments in my life came when I accidentally caught ‘Night Of The Living Dead’ on…

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Several years ago, during a viewing of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, a couple of friends told me that I really needed to read George RR Martin’s ‘A Song Of Ice And Fire’ novels which, at the time, consisted of four massive tomes of material.  Though I’m a fan of Martin’s work from the ‘Wild Cards’ shared universe novels, I balked at the sheer size of the material, instead choosing to watch ‘Heavy Metal’ for the 847th time.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy new things, but as I age, the impetus to join in and read/watch/listen to massive…

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This week, we’re doing a little something different with the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week. In the past fights between characters have been hypothetical, rarely have we been able to see who would win in a battle. That’s changing as we put two robots in the ring to see who will win! Printed with the MakerBot Replicator 2, two identical wind up robots (except that one is red, and the other is blue) will face off against one another, and the first one to get knocked over is the loser.  Your job this week is to pick who you…

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Dick Grayson has been called Robin, Nightwing, and now just Grayson. In honor of issue one of Grayson being released by DC Comics, we’re taking a look into the history of the first boy wonder. How did he first meet Batman, and why did he finally quit the Batcave. It’s time to learn all those Bat facts and more!  So sit back and enjoy as Ashley and Jason begin their geek history lesson. You might learn something. Enter your Mind University!

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In many ways the new year for Magic: The Gathering begins in July. This is when Wizards of the Coast (also known as WOTC) releases the new Core Set, which, like new models of cars, is named after the year to come.

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. Stephen fires up the camera and shows off the Makerbot, and prints something specifically for Munchkin.

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Over the years, I’ve had quite a few conversations about matters involving comic books and the denizens thereof, but none have caused the kind of consternation that discussions of coloring have.  For instance, when Batman went to an all-black costume in the 90s, there were those who were angry that he had given up his traditional midnight-blue-and-grey color scheme.  Part of it is a matter of identity (as Scott McCloud famously pointed out, the occasionally questionable printing quality of old-school comics made the color schemes an essential way to identify the heroes), while part of it is a matter of…

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