Browsing: Major Spoilers

My child-free post-holiday week continues here at Stately Spoilers Manor East, which means another day to ruminate on the state of our pop culture and how Peter Tork looks in a wig.  Today, I’m considering the as-yet-unscheduled new season of ‘Community’, expected to pop up sometime in 2015 on something called Yahoo Screen.  I’m psyched to get more of Greendale (especially after the earliest episodes have made it into syndication, reminding me of how good the show is at it’s best) but I’m worried that, with Chevy Chase and Donald Glover gone and the news that Yvette Nicole Brown won’t…

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In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The party arrives in Phandalin! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise!

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And now, the waiting begins.  It is a provable fact that very little actual work gets done between December 20th and January 2nd, and so it may be a few days before we really get back to the important internet business of mocking new-style lightsabers and wondering whether Supergirl’s skirt is made of a breathable fabric.  There’s a whole world of nerdery out there, just a’waitin’ to impress and happify us all, which is totally a word and not something I just made up, even if it is mostly on hold until the New Year.  Will Constantine get a second…

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Can a man’s life be defined by one word? Zach explores Orson Welles’ 1941 masterpiece, Citizen Kane. NOTE: This is the final film on “the list”, but fear not, Zach on Film will continue.

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Yes, that is hardcore legend Mick Foley as Santa Claus.  You’re welcome. As someone who follows at least part of multiple holiday traditions, the month of December is kind of a blur for me, but it’s always nice to get a moment to relax and breathe.  Here’s hoping that all the Faithful Spoilerites got to give as much as they needed and maybe even got a nice gift or two, and that even those who can’t be with their people get at least some sort of celebratoriness today.  I remember having to work on Christmas Day not so long ago,…

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Top 5 Rock N Roll Songs about Rock N Roll Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. Bruce is back on this Christmas morning, and he will have you rockin’ and rollin’ in this week’s Top Five Express.

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Here we go, ladles and jellyspoons!  The final night of Chanukkah and Christmas Eve commingled, with Kwanzaa incoming and Festivus in our rear-view, and all I really want for the holidays is some pizza.  Well, some pizza and perhaps a nice chocolate soda.  And some flapjacks.  Also, I want a Fat Cobra solo series, written by somebody fun like Kurt Busiek or Bryan K. Vaughan or his creator, Matt Fraction and art by Alan Davis, maybe.  And perhaps some cheese.  I like cheese.  But, back to that whole Fat Cobra thing, I think that might have the makings of an…

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This week features a couple of prominent holidays for my household, as well as a trip to the airport for the annual trip to Grandma’s, three days of extended shifts and building our annual gingerbread sculpture, delayed thanks to the need to glue the reindeer back together before we could assemble it.  In short, it’s gonna be a long one, so I’m giving myself little imaginary gifts each day, because…  Y’know, season of givin’ an’ all that.  Today’s present is a no-brainer: A big-budget remake of Dave Stevens ‘The Rocketeer’, featuring the kind of special effects and budget that one…

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For all the changes we’ve seen at Major Spoilers over the past nearly-a-decade, one thing never changes: Everything is better with Batman.  At least, our EIC/EP/Head Honcho Stephen will tell you so, and these days, I don’t argue with him on it.  The truth is, the two-fisted guardian of Gotham has become a totem of superherodom in his 75 years, and can even give “the rub” to other heroes with his hoarse-voiced omnipresence.  Batwoman, for instance, whose regular title ends next Spring in the late thirties, or Batwing, whose book lasted much much longer than I expected it to.  As…

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With all the hubbub about Spider-Woman’s spandexy backside not so long ago, I was unsurprised when news broke this week that she would be getting a full makeover in her new ongoing series.  Of course, I should have expected immediate comparisons to the recent Batgirl redesign, especially from the…  shall we say, “more cynical” members of our fan community.  Spider-Woman’s old costume is one of the best designs of the 1970s, but it is entirely Of Its Time, and 35 years down the line, she is well-deserving of a new look.  The artists of both books mentioned on Twitter that…

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