Browsing: Major Spoilers

In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: There’s trouble on the trail in the form of GOBLINS! Visit the Major Spoilers store for Critical Hit and Major Spoilers merchandise! Get your free audio book, by visiting

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First off, let’s get the hoverboard, Griff hat and self-lacing shoes jokes out of our system, because there is no way that they’re ever gonna make it the full 365.  (Well, somebody had to say it.)  It’s not even like Marty’s future world is the only 2015 ever seen in film (hell, it’s not even the only 2015 seen in *that particular* film), as Arnold Schwarzenegger was cloned in 2015 in ‘The Sixth Day’, while Rachel Summers at one point traveled back in time from the year 2015 in the ‘Days Of Future Past’ comic stories.  Visions of the far-away…

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! With new resolutions, promises for the future, and big plans on everyone’s schedule, today marks a day we can also look back at the year that was and laugh, cry, and scream “HA-HA” like a sad Nelson Muntz or jaded Comic Book Guy.  2014 certainly had its ups and downs, and hopefully there were more ups for you than downs.  As the calendar clicks forward, let’s take one more look back at the best comic moment of 2014. The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) ask you to supply three thoughts on this day (providing your hangover isn’t killing you): What/who…

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Top Five Things That Occupied Our Time in 2014 Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. It’s a brand new year! But what is a new year, without looking back at the old, and Matthew, Stephen, and Zach look at the things that kept them busy last year.

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I’ll tell you one thing for free, right now:  From my perspective, New Year’s resolutions are for suckers.  There’s no more magic to January 1st as a date than there is to April 4th, August 22nd or St. Swithin’s Day.  The universe will not start fresh simply because our calendar has run out of pages… BUT! We humans (and atomic robots from space like Rodrigo) are a complex breed, and we’re capable of great things, so long as we have reason to do ’em, so I don’t get too snarky with the “New Year: New ME!” folks (at least, not…

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Last time ’round, we talked about the ways that super-types get named, this time we have a related topic.  Since the dawn of superhero history, nearly 9 decades ago, we’ve seen a lot of heroes come and go, many of whom shared names.  There are a lot of Spiders, a lot of Sentries, a lot of Protectors littering the halls of hero history, but a few names get used more often than others…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast – We’re saying goodbye to 2014, checking out The Interview and going Into the Woods, plus comic talk! What’s going on with the Uncanny Avengers, The New 52: Future’s End, and our first look at Yellow Jacket!

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In gaming, a munchkin is a player who plays what is intended to be a non-competitive game in an aggressively competitive manner. A munchkin seeks within the context of the game to amass the greatest power, score the most “kills”, and grab the most loot, no matter how detrimental their actions are to role-playing, the storyline, fairness, or the other players’ enjoyment. This week, the group discuss the best and worst parts of Smash Up, upcoming Smash Up expansions, and possible upcoming games.

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Rumblings are afoot that January’s storylines will, and I quote, “alter the course of Marvel history” with massive something on the horizon that will lead us into the new Marvel Age.  While part of me immediately responds with snark to people announcing that anything has massive historical intent, I’m intrigued to see what it is they have up their collective sleeves at the House Of Ideas.  If we posit that they’re doing something actually amazing, actually huge, actually historically-altering, we have to think big.  Bigger than changing family ties, bigger than alternate-universe Spideys, bigger even than Sam Wilson as Captain…

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