I was out of town on spring break with my family this week and pressed for time, so I present a little experiment in the form of some Matthew abuse.
Browsing: Major Spoilers Adventures
Silverfish, once established in the home, can be a constant source of trouble.
Convention season is in full swing, and everyone is doing whatever it takes to get to the big one!
Patience is a noble virtue, and those possessing it are to be admired. If our patience is tested over months and months we can lose perspective on what is important. Comic after the Jump.
New entrants into the super-hero game have a unique set of challenges following 75 years of predecessors. First on the list is finding a name that hasn’t been used, and that isn’t also lame. Comic after the jump.
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance, these are the stages we go through when a comic or TV show is cancelled, or when a new, updated version of a beloved classic is announced. Sometimes outside influences make it difficult to get to Acceptance.
We first met Gary back in SPOILED #10, today his quest for love continues…to be a disaster.
We’ve all wondered at one time or another if Matthew is even from this planet. Sometimes a notion lodges itself in your brain, and you have to get it out to move on to other things. This is one of those times.
Much like working in the corporate world, the superhero business has occasional bureaucratic snafus leading to tasks for which you are not ideally suited.
Maintaining a comic book collection is a lot of work. The integrity of our beloved books is constantly being threatened.
We all go through those awkward teenage years where we try to figure out just who we’re going to be when we grow up. The Gods of the Void were no exception. (Click for Larger) Apologies to Rodrigo and the Critical Hit crew, who are awesome and do an awesome show. Thanks for the laughs, the chills and the thrills. Check out the Season 3 Finale tomorrow!
Convention season is right around the corner. Just be cautious when looking for love.
The first great nerd rage moment of 2012 has arrived with the announcement by Wizards of the Coast that a new ‘iteration’ of Dungeons and Dragons is coming. Some players are reacting to the news better than others. (Click for Larger)
Major Spoilers’ own Jack Trigger and I were discussing all the recent Robert Kirkman talk on the podcast and determined that this is inevitable: