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Is this the end of Ultimate Spider-Man? I don’t want to give the answer away too early in the review, because 1) I want you to click on the More link, and 2) it’s pretty tacky to talk about the end before all the other goodness is covered.

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Or – “A Dash Of Courage To Go With The Brains And The Heart…” Today’s entrant has been for half a century one of the most iconic of the Legion’s dozens of active members, existing (like his fellow founders) in virtually every iteration of the team to date. UNLIKE his fellow founders, though, he hasn’t been tweaked, twisted, and reshaped to fit into each “new” world, instead seemingly shaping each of those variant worlds with his own quiet strength and integrity. Never the most overtly powerful Legionnaire, he was nonetheless the unanimous choice for first Legion leader, he was instrumental…

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Are you stumped for what you want your next D&D 4e character to be? Wish you could somehow adapt one of your favorite characters to a medieval, high fantasy setting? Look no further, in this series I’ll be taking Frank L. Baum’s beloved characters and turning them into D&D badasses. Don’t forget to check out the previous two entries Dorothy and The Scarecrow.

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I’m often asked how I got into the hobby of cosplay and surprisingly enough my answer is simple; I saw something that I wanted to try, loved it and have been cosplaying now for the past three years. The first exposure I had to the wonderful world of cosplay were photos of a beautiful Japanese woman dressed as Rikku from the video game Final Fantasy X. I was intrigued that someone put so much time and detail into the outfit. She truly looked like Rikku come to life which instantly captured my imagination. How much fun it must be, I…

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Are you stumped for what you want your next D&D 4e character to be? Wish you could somehow adapt one of your favorite characters to a medieval, high fantasy setting? Look no further, in this series I’ll be taking Frank L. Baum’s beloved characters and turning them into D&D badasses. And, while I got you here, if you’d like to hear a play-through of a D&D session check out some of the Major Spoilers D&D archives.

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Ever since he took up drawing Catwoman covers for DC Comics, I can’t think about Selina Kyle without thinking about Adam Hughes.  One of my favorite artists of all time, Hughes finds Ms. Kyle one of his favorites too. I miss drawing Selina. It sure was fun with her; lots of different moods. She’s the quintessential femme fatale. And YES, I’m aware the she resembles Audrey Hepburn, LOL. My personal inspiration for Selina Kyle is Ms. Hepburn, circa 1954-57. My favorite face ever. My personal inspirational cocktail for Catwoman is: 70% young Audrey Hepburn 20% Liz Taylor from CAT ON…

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In issue #71 of the Major Spoilers Podcast, we ran down our Goats and Gods of 2008.  In one of my gods categories, I listed five comics that I enjoyed very much in 2008.  Here’s a more detailed breakdown of my faves.

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Press Release Standing saber-to-saber with some powerful female enemies and allies, young Padawan Ahsoka Tano features prominently in “Cloak of Darkness,” an all-new episode of the hit animated series STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS, premiering at 9 p.m. ET/PT Friday, Dec. 5, on Cartoon Network. In “Cloak of Darkness,” Ahsoka and Jedi Master Luminara escort captured Viceroy Nute Gunray to trial, unaware that Count Dooku has dispatched his lithe and deadly assassin Asajj Ventress to free the prisoner and eliminate the Jedi.

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Gift cards suck.  No one wants to give or receive a pair of socks.  And heaven forbid you rush out the night before the big gift exchange day in a desperate attempt to find that special something.   This holiday season, Major Spoilers brings you our rundown of holiday gifts that will rock that special pop culture loved one’s world.

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Now that is creepy…  More please. There really aren’t enough good titles covering the various supernatural realms.  Sandman concluded years ago, as did Preacher, and while Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues to rock, Shadowpact got the axe.  Cthulhu Tales delivers the chilling supernatural sure to give the reader nightmares, but when it comes to supernatural thriller crime stories, the cupboard is pretty bare.  So, when Boom! Studios sent me an advanced copy of Hexed by Michael Alan Nelson with art by Emma Rios, I knew it was worth checking out, even if I am generally wary of titles I know…

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Cue White Rabbit If you aren’t from a distant planet, aren’t getting your powers from a special device, and aren’t gifted with cunning and skill beyond those of the everyday man on the street, your chances of becoming a super-hero are pretty slim.  These limitations have vexed the normals of the DC Universe, prompting scientists – mad and sane alike – to develop drugs to give them powers to fight (or commit) crime. Take the jump to discover the Top 10 Drugs, available for a price, in the DC Universe.

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Or – “When The Girl Next Door Comes From Another Dimension…” In our Hero Histories to date, we’ve seen martyrs and martinets, rockmen and rubber boys, 12th level geniuses and 20th century rejects, but today’s Hero History subject is one of the most relatable of the various Legionnaires throughout the years.  Her story is very familiar, a girl from a good family who leaves home and ends up bonding with a kid from the wrong side of the tracks.  Her story becomes inextricably intertwined with that of her longtime beau, encompassing one of the Legion’s longest-running and most successful romances, and…

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Or  “Puzzling…  Intriguing…  Entertaining…  A Little Infuriating…  Must Be Dave Sim.” Most of you, our Faithful Spoilerites, are too young to remember the black and white independent comics boom of the 80’s, a time when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were more than a color-coded merchandising phenomenon, where being able to actually draw wasn’t really a prerequisite, a time when having a unique artist’s perspective was not only not uncommercial, it was practically de rigeur.  It was a time where names were made and reputations created, a time which really and truly changed comics as we know them (for good…

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With 125,000 people attending the San Diego Comic Con, the city of San Diego is bursting at the seems. With a limit on the number of people that can get into the convention hall, and growth expected, is it time for Comic Con International to move the show somewhere else?

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