Browsing: DC

If you have already burned through your copies of the Justice League on DVD and are anxiously awaiting news of the Justice League Unlimited release here it is. Warner has officially announced the date of October 24, 2006 for fans to pick up the 26 episode DVD collection. 26 episodes? That’s right spoilers ahead…

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It’s one year later and Robin has returned to Gotham. No sooner does the issue kick off than Robin is framed for the murder of Batgirl. But not all is as seems. You better believe there are major spoilers ahead.

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A great website for comic lovers I have oft proclaimed on these pages my love for comic books – especially those of the DC variety. While I enjoy an occasional Superman story in the pages of Batman or JLA, I don’t really read the Super titles that much. It is probably because Superman is always seen as a goody-goody and wins in the end. I came across this website a few weeks ago and it really shows Superman as quite the opposite. In fact, he comes off as a dick. Read, Laugh, Enjoy.

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