Browsing: DC

Is this the end of the universe? THE OMEGA MEN seem to think so… The galactic rampage begins this month, as the classic space-faring team known as THE OMEGA MEN returns in a six-issue miniseries from writer Andersen Gabrych (DETECTIVE COMICS, BATGIRL) and artist Henry Flint (2000 A.D.). Convinced that all of creation is on the brink of cosmic apocalypse, the last remaining Omega Men begin a universe-spanning swath of murder and destruction.

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Or “What Happens When People Stop Being Polite…” Yeah, I know that’s been played, but I’ve been holding on to that line since 1993 or so, I thnk I deserve a pass. Call it a “pre-existing condition,” like your insurance. This book arrived late for me, which gave me an interesting perspective on it, reading reviews of the work before the work itself. Usually I avoid other people’s opinions until I actually READ the book (mostly so I don’t accidentally steal someone else’s good lines), but this time I noticed a trend: people aren’t complaining about The Outsiders, people are…

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Today’s somewhat related, yet still wildly off-topic musing: When I was a kid, I couldn’t stand the art of Jack Kirby. I’m sorry! I didn’t know! It was the eighties, and there were essentially only two companies out there, both with about the same house style. In my mind, the best thing going for Marvel at the time was John Byrne, for DC it was George Perez. When I came across a stack of Kirby work (at Pat’s Book Nook, down by the river, in Salina), my first response was “Why are their fingers square?”

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Stalked It’s no secret I’ve been a Dini fan-boy since he first burst on the scene, and I’ve been babbling like a giddy schoolgirl over his work in Detective Comics. The plant world is no longer Poison Ivy’s ally, and it is up to Batman to protect her. Is Dini able to pull off a hat trick in Detective Comics #823?

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Okay, I have to start this one with a confession: I don’t “get” Batman. Don’t get me wrong, I have enjoyed the character in the past. Grant Morrison’s “JLA” Batman was one of the most awe-inspiring characters I’ve ever encountered. I’m a huge fan for what Grant Morrison calls “the hairy-chested Neal Adams love god Batman.” Heck, one of my prized possessions is a tabloid-sized “Batman’s Strangest Cases.” I fully enjoy me some Batman…

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Super-Chief? WTF? Don’t spend weeks trying to prove Supernova is really Kon-El. It ain’t him, and Lex Luthor knows it. Oh, and a Native American superhero returns after 40 years.

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The Legion of Super Heroes debuted on the Kids WB a few weeks ago, and fans seem pretty into it.  I think I would have much rather seen more true Bruce Timm inspired characters instead of what I’m seeing in the previews, websites, and commercials.  I have to admit, I’ve been too busy to catch the episodes, but my friendly neighborhood TiVo is holding on to them for me until I get the chance to watch it. Which brings up the question, “What do you think of the Legion of Super Heroes so far?”  Or even better, “What is your…

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Empire Online has an interview with Zach Snyder on the status of the Watchmen movie. The flick has been on and off again for many years. In the last attempt the studio even went so far as to put up a working website before the deal collapsed and the site was removed. In the interview Snyder says he plans on keeping the story as true as possible, even to the point of keeping the cold war theme running throughout. “We’re getting ready to turn a script that we like into this studio,” says Snyder. “They’re pretty excited about it…I think…

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The Lex Giveth and the Lex Taketh Away With great power comes great responsibility. In this case, Lex Luthor has the power to activate the metagene in anyone, and as we found out last issue, he also has the ability to take it away. Is it easy to do? And what will Lex do to get more people interested in his new team? It all happens in Week 21 of 52.

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Warner Bros. has announced the Justice League Heroes game now has a MySpace page to capitalize on the whole social networking/viral marketing fad. In addition to screen shots and images for the game, Warner has posted the game trailer as well. [youtube]g0l_wyaZZAQ[/youtube] via Justice League Heroes MySpace (link)

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Check out this YouTube clip of footage from the upcoming Superman Returns video game.  A little blurry and chunky in spots, but it does give us a look at who the big S will be battling in the game – nearly everyone from Metallo, Braniac, Parasite, Bizarro and more.  Heck, this game looks a million times better than the movie. [youtube]5jI2b5n2Si4[/youtube] Superman Returns will be available this Fall (Novemberish?) for $39.95 or $59.95 depending on where you buy and for which platform.

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Newsarama is reporting that Stephen Wacker has left DC and may be headed to Marvel. Wacker had been editing several titles at DC including the popular 52, Jonah Hex, JSA, and Legion of Super-Heroes. Obviously something is up, as Dan Didio, Executive Editor at DC, says he will make a statement next week instead of today. Wizard Entertainment spoke with Stephen Wacker today on the news. “I tendered my resignation with DC today,” said Wacker. “I’m quitting DC to go edit comics at Marvel.” Yet another in the summer long flip flop in employees moving from one company to another.…

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Emerald Eye of Ekron Origin? Week 20 is about adventures in space, an appearance by Supernova, and Lex Luthor has the cure. Spoilerific report ahead and we even get to answer one of my wild speculations from last week.

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