Browsing: DC

Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Sun Eaters Week 36 is one of those weeks where a lot of questions get partial answers, a hero falls, and Supernova is Ray Palmer. It can’t be that simple, can it? You guessed it. Major Spoilers ahead…

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Jeff Smith has updated his blog to include sketches and images of the very young Mary Marvel from the upcoming DC Comics Shazam! Monster Society of Evil mini-series. This is one series I can’t wait to pick up. Smith’s artwork rocks, and I’m becoming more and more of a Shazam fan each day. Shazam! Monster Society of Evil #1 hits stands February 7, 2007. via Jeff Smith (link)

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Or – “Too Much Of A Good Thing?” Sarge Steel. Detective Chimp. Mister Terrific. Fire. Mademoiselle Marie. Plus two pages of strippers, and huge movie-blockbuster-style firefight and a surprising addition to the regular cast. This book is packed with geekout moments, intrigue, even a way cool cover that pops off the racks and tells you to shaddup and buy it. With all that going for it, there’s really no reason why I haven’t been able to sit down, concentrate, and review this book. So why haven’t I done it before now?

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DC Comics has released a five page sneak peak of Stormwatch: PHD #3. Here is how DC describes the issue: The members of PHD visit Sin City to train and prep the first PHD force outside of Manhattan. But the true motivation for the trip soon becomes apparent…is the team prepared for the dark secret lurking in the shadows beyond the neon lights? Meanwhile, two members of PHD share a liaison that may be too explosive to stay in Vegas, and the shocking origin of Paris is revealed!

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The Martian Manhunter will make an official debut in the upcoming Labyrinth episode. DC Comics in Media has some screen caps from the episode that introduces the JLA’s favorite Martian.

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Here is the New Comic Release list for comics scheduled to be in stores January 10, 2007. There may be items on this list that are not shipped at the last minute, or new material may be added. Check with your local retailer for more details. Thanks to Collector’s Pair of Dice and Diamond Comics Distributors for assisting in the building of this list. This list was last updated January 08, 2007.

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DC Comics has released a sneak peek of Outsiders #44 that goes on sale this week. This nine page preview features bombs, explosions, and those darn Dominators.

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Or – “Does Supergirl Have To Choke A B!+c#?” Issue 25 didn’t used to be a milestone, back in the day. When I was a kid, it seemed like a comic book either went under before it hit double digits, or it ran forever. Granted, I was twelve, and that pretty much sums up the world-view of MOST 12 year olds, but whadayagonnado? In any case, at some point (’bout half an hour after somebody realized comics were suddenly collectible), every chance they had for a milestone issue, they took. Issue 1. Issue fifty. Any Spider-Man book where the number…

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Why are you standing around? Get inside! What better way to greet the new year than by watching hundreds of people plummet to their death? What? That isn’t how you ring in the good times? Whatever… And “Whatever” is kind of how I feel about this week’s installment of 52.

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Or – “Sometimes Inspirado Strikes When It Strikes…” So, I’ve been emotionally devastated today. First, I watched the two-part finale of season two of Doctor Who. On top of the underlying theme of loss of humanity, lost family, and missed opportunites, I had to endure the most painful breakup I’ve ever seen. It saddens me to the very core to see Rose Tyler completely break down, and worst of all, The Doctor never even got to say… what he should have said. Top that off with a round of American Idol Karaoke Revolution in which Simon Cowell called me awful,…

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Here is the New Comic Release list for comics scheduled to be in stores January 03, 2007. There may be items on this list that are not shipped at the last minute, or new material may be added. Check with your local retailer for more details. Thanks to Collector’s Pair of Dice and Diamond Comics Distributors for assisting in the building of this list. This list was last updated January 03, 2007.

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Or – “Cancellation Notice? What Cancellation Notice?” So, did you have a happy New Year? Mine was just a big bag of crazy, thanks for asking. Ten pounds of psycho in a four and a half pound bag, but boy did I eat well! And while I don’t make resolutions, per se, (because I don’t need anything to make me feel like I’m already a failure in a brand new year) I’m going to try and do three or four things differently in 2007, including give you more Spoilers bang for your mostly imaginary buck. Speaking of fresh starts, I’m…

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While I have no problem writing Best Of and Top Ten lists, this is my first year coming up with a Best Of list for comics, and it has been a real challenge. First there is the whole “thousands of titles out there” deal, then there is the fact that these kinds of lists are a touchy subject to write. What may be on my Best Of list, is on the @$$ List for someone else. Regardless, it’s time to look back over the year and see what was tops when it came to comics.

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