Marvel’s NOW! Has brought significant changes to the company’s books. All new number ones, new teams, character changes, new titles and so many Superior books it’s baffling. It leads one to ask “Now What?” Well Marvel has the answer in this new one-shot full of humorous stories. But are they that funny? Major Spoilers has your answer after the jump!
Author: Wilson
The Army of Darkness has been running at Dynamite for quite a long time so it’s time for a reboot. Along comes Ash and The Army of Darkness, a sequel to the wonderful cult horror film. Does the first issue give me some sugar or a boomstick blast to the head? Read on and find out.
Dynamite Entertainment has brought together two of horror’s classic characters: Ash, from the Evil Dead franchise, and Herbert West, the infamous doctor from H.P. Lovecraft’s Re-Animator tale and movie of the same name. Actually, this is the second time they’ve been brought together but I guess the first didn’t count. Your Major Spoilers review awaits!
Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Did you swear that it was real? According to I.M.A.G.I.N.E. Agents #1, it was, and some of them get out of line. So, who cleans up these messes that the creatures create? Read the awaiting review to find out!
Forever Evil is underway and with it comes the inevitable tie-ins. We’ve already had Arkham War and now Rogues Rebellion, a six-issue mini starring our favorite Flash villains. Is this series worth your time, and even more importantly, your money? Read on to find out!
Super powers. Every geeky teenage boy dreams of having them. Tyler James, creator of Red Ten, brings us Epic, the story of Eric Ardor. A sixteen year old who acquires super powers through a lab accident. Sound too familiar? Well his “kryptonite” happens to be girls. Read on for the review!
It’s the last week of villain’s month and the latest issue of The Dark Knight is becoming the hardest to find 3-D cover. More importantly, it introduces us to Joker’s Daughter. Is she as twisted, insane and classy as her “father”? Find out after the jump!
Here we are. The days of the huge, multipart X-Men crossover events return with X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1. What will it be about? Will Doop be in it? Major Spoilers sat down and had a peek. Your review after the jump!
Continuity. The bane of many a comic book reader. At times, when used right, it can add to the reading experience but other times can make for a frustrating or downright miserable one. But should it matter that much? Is it that important? I say no, so continue on, Dear Reader, and find out why!
Ah, the inevitable zero issue where there’s a break from the main story in order to give the origin of the title character. It’s Bloodshot’s turn this month and we finally get some answers as to who and what he is. Major Spoilers has your review after the jump.
When a review copy of a comic called Zombie Tramp slinked my way, I had to read it. How could I not? It’s called Zombie Tramp! That alone should make you want to read the review that waits after the jump!
What could be more awesome than a gorilla? Why a gorilla with guns of course! Six-Gun Gorilla has given us that and more with an original futuristic story. Does this new issue continue to deliver the fun, funny and violent? Continue on dear reader for your review!
Lenore The Cute Little Dead Girl is back with her misadventures and this issue promises the beginning of an epic story. Does this issue live up to the promise? Major Spoilers has your review!
Marvel has had success with Superior Spider-Man and now it’s Superior Spider-Month. We’ve already gotten the Superior Foes of Spider-Man and Superior Spider-Man Team Up. What else could possibly get superior-ized? Why Carnage of course! Major Spoilers sat down with Superior Carnage #1 to see just how superior it is. Your review is just ahead…(Man that’s a lot of superiors)