Author: Rob Rasmussen

I'm Rob. Gamer, geek, student, friend. I'm Trebor Srarcinth, Blazankar Mristari, and Bor, Immortal. You know one, but do you know the rest?

If you’re remotely a fan of Magic: the Gathering by now you’ve noticed the previews solidly flowing in over the last two weeks. Now if you’re more than a casual observer you’ve certainly noticed many of the new changes coming down the line in the set. Now, if you haven’t noticed all of them, I’m here to show you after the jump.

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Telltale Games is getting a hold of a lot of franchises to point and click at lately. We showed you one yesterday, well now we’re going to show you the one I’m most excited about. Gearbox Software’s Borderlands is getting the adventure game treatment with Tales From the Borderlands. Here’s the announcement trailer.

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We were told about his appearance over the summer, but here’s a trailer with the first look at Barry Allen and a hint at what his future holds.

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Wizards of the Coast is releasing a new set of Kaijudo this weekend. They sent us some information about it and the set premiere which you can see after the jump. We’ll also have the trailer for the set in there, it looks pretty cool.

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Last Friday, Nov 1st for those not wanting to think, Wizards of the Coast released their latest supplemental product for Magic: the Gathering, Commander (2013 Edition). While I’d love to do a review on this for you, I can’t as my local store sold out before I had a chance to get any. I can however give you Wizards’ take on the product and a brief rundown of some of the cooler things I saw due to the new cards when I played in a Release-like event over the weekend. Check it out after the jump.

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Just over a week ago Greg Pak was looking for people to take a look at his newest book, Code Monkey Save World, via Twitter. Dumb luck would have it I actually managed to catch that and seeing as the book is based off the songs of Jonathan Coulton, which is fantastic, and written by an author I’ve been following around Marvel for a few years now, I jumped at the opportunity. Life got in the way a bit, but your Major Spoilers review of Code Monkey Save World #1 finally shows up after the jump.

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It’s autumn, and for most that means new seasons. What those seasons are can depend; sometimes it’s the actual changing of the weather. For many of us it’s a time for new aspects of pop culture to come around, such as new or returning television series. Well for me, the best new aspect of the season is the fall set for Magic: the Gathering, because it sets off a brand new plane and all new mechanics to go along with it. This year Wizards of the Coast has sent us to the plane of Theros, a Greco-Roman mythology based setting…

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Amber Heard’s character, Ms. San Antonio, is featured on the latest poster for Machete Kills, and does she look impressive. Check the poster out below, let us know what you think in the comments, and go see the movie next week, it releases on October 11.

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