Author: Rob Rasmussen

I'm Rob. Gamer, geek, student, friend. I'm Trebor Srarcinth, Blazankar Mristari, and Bor, Immortal. You know one, but do you know the rest?

Yesterday, Nintendo made their first official announcement of 2013, the next generation of Pokemon. After the jump we’ll have the official English Trailer and some information on the game itself, some of which is a huge first.

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As is customary for high-profile video games nowadays, Assassin’s Creed has branched off into other products, in this case the world of the funny books. Despite my pitiful amount of play-time with the series, I am still a huge fan, probably due to the general concept alone; as such it comes to me to give you the Major Spoilers look at the first few books after the jump.

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For some great day two pics from New Orleans go ahead and take the jump. Yes, that is me as the Batman and Robin version of Mr. Freeze. If you want some news from the con, check out Twitter for #wizardworld or follow me @BorImmortal for some cool tidbits on the future of the Turtles movie and a sidekick that may show up in the New 52.

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To say that I’m a fan of the Borderlands video games would be a bit of an understatement. I have poured more time into Borderlands 2 in two months than I have in games I have consistently played for years. Now, to find out we were getting a comic series based on one of my favorite franchises, well, I was excited. So I dove right in this week when Borderlands Origins #1 came out and I’ve got a Major Spoilers review waiting for you after the jump.

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That’s right, DC has announced a series staring John Constantine within the New 52. For some more details, including the fate of other books he’s in, take the jump.

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With the mess that is the Marvel Universe after AvX there is bound to be a lot of clean up to do. Consequences is what will take us from Cyclops’s fall to the state of the X-Men in Marvel NOW! Take the jump for the Major Spoilers look at how it’s coming together.

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