Who are the five teenagers who ride space lions that combine to form Voltron? Learn their history before Voltron Legendary Defender’s new season debuts!
Author: Jason Inman
Tony Stark was once replaced by a teenage version of himself on the Avengers, so learn more about Iron Man as he enters the modern age of comics in our podcast!
Tony Stark is the Iron Man, but how did he create that wonderful suit and join the Avengers? Find out in this episode!
The time-traveling son of Cyclops makes his first live-action appearance in Deadpool 2. Let’s dig through the time stream to learn the origin of CABLE!
If you want to read more Avengers stories after seeing Avengers Infinity War, then this is the podcast for you! Special guest Sal from Comic Pop
The villain of AVENGERS INFINITY WAR stands revealed as we explain the history of the Mad Titan known as Thanos!
Let’s follow the Man of Steel to reveal the history and adventures of Superman in the Silver Age!
Who are the greatest villains in Superman’s rogues’ gallery? Only Stupid Answers co-host DJ Wooldridge (https://twitter.com/djtalkstrash) joins us for a super special discussion.
She’s the hometown best friend of Superman who eventually becomes Superwoman! Learn the origin of Lana Lang!
“A little white lie about an imaginary officer balloons into an elaborate charade.” We’re so excited to finally have our podcast hit one of our favorite episodes of all time.
Who are the digital monsters known as DIGIMON? We’re joined by Emma Fyffe to decode them all.
Hal Jordan Green Lantern moves towards the Blackest Night in our second episode about the most famous Green Lantern from Earth!
Hal Jordan has been called by many “the greatest Green Lantern of all time.” Let’s travel to Oa and learn his Green Lantern comics history.
Shuri, the sister of T’Challa, was one of the standouts of Marvel’s Black Panther. But did you know that she becomes queen of Wakanda in the comics? Listen up, students.