Author: Stephen Schleicher

Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...

One of my favorite moments of 2008 was all the viral marketing that sprang up around the various movies and major events in comics.  Even though the Watchmen movie is in turmoil at the moment, that hasn’t stopped the viral machine from launching The New Frontiersman website to hype the movie. The New Frontiersman is Rorschach’s newspaper of choice, so why not have a website dedicated to this bit player in the movie?  The website is only a dummy page at the moment, but it may spring to life as the release date (whenever that might be) draws near. I’m…

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Bluewater Productions has announced it will have a special one-shot collector’s edition of William Shatner Presents in time for Free Comic Book Day.  Included in the anthology is an original prologue story from the upcoming Tek War series. This 12-page prequel takes place 4 years before the initial storyline.  The story centers on protagonist Jake Cardigan’s arrest and conviction for murder as well as Tek trafficking.  The story also  leaves several clues as to important plot points that will happen in the series.  We get an insiders look at the Tek War universe and the history behind Jake’s  troubled past.…

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It just might be the case if you read between the words and spaces in a very vague JH Williams III post on his blog. Going through some Promethea files for reasons that will be made clear in a later post and thought I would put of some these into blogs. For those not familiar with the series – to the Wiki! Serialized in 32 issues on an irregular schedule from 1999 to 2005, the series explores Alan Moore’s ideas about art and magic, combining elements of superhero action, metaphysical theorizing, and psychedelic revelation, all focused on the adventures of…

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If you are ready to shout “Yo Joe!” at your theater screen, you’ll be happy to know Paramount has finally launched the official movie website.  Presumably, the site will begin to feature more Joe-Goodness as the movie approaches release day, but until then, you can sign up for updates via e-mail. via G.I. Joe

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I know George Lucas made a killing in the 70’s when he managed to secure the merchandising rights for Star Wars properties, that lead to those wonderful Star Wars bedsheets I used to have (sleeping with Princess Leia took on a whole new meaning), but check out the crazy stuff currently being hocked on eBay in an attempt to cash in on the upcoming movie. You are bidding on a pair of standard size (18 x 28 inches) pillowcase. 100% Cotton with 200 thread count! They are very soft and comfortable since we use the highest quality of garment in…

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When Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man #583 arrives next week, it will feature a special story featuring Spider-Man fighting those who would prevent President-Elect Obama from being sworn in.  No, I’m not talking about Rumsfeld and Cheney, but real Spider-Man foes like the Chameleon. “When we heard that President-Elect Obama is a collector of Spider-Man comics, we knew that these two historic figures had to meet in our comics’ Marvel Universe,” says Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada.  “Historic moments such as this one can be reflected in our comics because the Marvel Universe is set in the real world.  A Spider-Man fan moving…

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Arriving next week from Archie Comics are Archie & Friends #127, Archie’s Double Digest #195, and Sonic the Hedgehog #196.  The company has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of the new issues that you can see for yourself, after the jump.

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Warner Home Video has announced the complete “pre-Nolan” Batman films will be released on Blu-Ray on March 10, 2009.  This is really close to the Watchmen movie release date, and may be a further snub to 20th Century Fox and its desire to release the Adam West Batman movie on DVD. The collection inlcudes Batman (1989) – Jack Nicholson is The Joker, who emerged from a horrible accident as a maniacal criminal. Michael Keaton is the Caped Crusader, who emerged from a childhood trauma to become a masked crimefighter. Kim Basinger is Vicki Vale, the talented photojournalist desired by both…

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Studio 407 has announced a distribution deal with Argentina’s Altercomics to release four of Altercomics titles in North America.  The four titles picked up by Studio 407 are The Spark, Jailed, Primordial Man and Fictionauts.  The first book released will be The Spark graphic novel by Martin Renard and Nahuel Sagarnaga Cozman. “We are very pleased that Studio-407 has chosen our stories and demonstrated so much interest in publishing them.” Explains Matias, publisher at Altercomics. “We feel more like a part of their family now and we hope that all the US readers can enjoy these books as much as…

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According to Variety, Mickey Rourke is in talks with Marvel Studios for a part in the upcoming Iron Man 2 sequel. …Rourke is in discussions to play the Crimson Dynamo, a heavily tattooed Russian arms dealer. He’s considered to be an evil version of Iron Man because he battles the superhero in a nuclear-powered suit of armor. Interesting choice if it plays out.  Rourke is on a high recently after his stellar performance in The Wrestler.  Major Spoilers fans will remember Rourke in his performance as Marv in the the Robert Rodriguez/Frank Miller adaptation of Sin City. via Variety

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Dark Horse Comics has sent Major Spoilers the cover images and solicitation information for titles arriving in April 2009.  Yup, there’s a Buffy title in the list that is sure to sell well for the company.

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What can be learned from the back cover of the upcoming Wonder Woman animated movie DVD? a) Wonder Woman has a nice butt b) Ares looks like Christopher Lambert c) Steve Trevor is a cocky fighter pilot d) The next animated DVD from Warner Home Video will be Green Lantern. via World’s Finest

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vs. My Patience This past week finally saw the end of one of the most god-awful series DC has ever produced.  Surprisingly, I’m not talking about Final Crisis or Batman RIP, rather the horrid horror/superhero mini-series Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves.

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