Author: Stephen Schleicher

Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...

Fanboys, the ultimate nerd movie (of this decade) if finally scheduled to arrive in theaters February 6, 2009 (thanks Weinstein!).  Check out this first clip featuring hottie Kristen Bell. There are two more after the jump.

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This past weekend, Andrew Stanton, the man behind many of the best animated movies of the last 15 years, said the upcoming John Carter of Mars movie will not be a Pixar movie, but will be firmly under the Disney banner.  Stanton also dismissed rumors that the film would be entirely 3D in nature. The look of the film will be “very real,” and not highly-stylized, due to what Stanton sees as the way the original story has been ripped off by many different movies over the years; it’ll also be a faithful retelling, with Carter remaining the Civil War…

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Monday just might be the better day to get the sneak peeks out the door as it whets your appetite for comics arriving this week.  Boom! Studios sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of Galveston #3, Hero Squared: Love & Death #1, and Zombie Tales #10, all of which arrive in stores this week (January 28, 2009).

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I don’t know how this slipped past me last week – okay, actually I do, but that is a different story for a later time.  In any case, Image Comics has once again provided Major Spoilers with a sneak peek of titles that arrive in stores this week (January 28, 2009).  Take the jump for a peek at Dead Ahead #2, the Missing the Boat trade paperback, Mixtape Volume 3 hard cover, Savage #4, and the Transhuman trade paperback.

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This week sees the “concluding” chapter of grant morrison’s Final Crisis.  Any predictions on what we’ll see, or not see?  Will this ending turn out to be the beginning of the next big story arc?  After all is said and done, will Final Crisis be looked at as a Triumph or an Utter Failure? cover via Comics Continuum

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Better dead than Red With the introduction of the Blue Lanterns, and the quest to rescue Sinestro on the shoulders of Hal Jordan and his two blue brothers in arms, there was bound to be a moment when there would come a conflict of interest between all the parties involved.  Green Lantern #37 sees the first major battle featuring the Lanterns of blue and the fall of yet another long time Green Lantern character.

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Out with the old, in with the new Last issue ended with the reveal that two of Robin’s former foes were actually one playing both roles, and with Gotham City about to fall into chaos, what is a young side-kick to do?  The answer, Dear Reader, is for him to grow a pair and step from behind the cape to become a hero in his own right.

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New Krypton Part 11 I’ll admit I was a little surprised when the New Krypton story wrapped up in Action Comics #873.  I figured this was a story that would go on for 12 issues minimum, and really needing 24 issues to tell the massive story DC set into play that turned into a surprise hit for the company.  Even though the New Krypton banner may be gone from the covers, the New Krypton story continues as the story shifts from Earth to Kandor.

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If you are wondering if newly anointed President Obama is soft on crime, just take a look at this freakin’ awesome action figure of number 44 as he fights Darth Vader, slashes the criminals with his dual katanas, and woos the ladies with his panty-dropping vocals. This is a Japanese figure, and while the main site is delivering up a classic 404 error when you click on the page (no doubt due to the throngs of devotees who are trying to buy three mint condition figures at the same time), it is a sure bet this figure will sell out…

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Freddie Williams II fired off one of his monthly emails where he wraps up the things that have preoccupied his life for the last couple of months. Just finished Robin # 183… the final issue of Robin! Not just my final issue, it’s the LAST issue of the series! It’s 24 pages, and not only did I draw the whole issue and the cover, but I colored the cover and the last six pages! Feels great to have fun with experiments like that! Robin #183 will be out February 11, you can see more about it here: What will…

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If you were intrigued by DC/Warner Bros. Watchmen motion comic adaptation, but didn’t commit to purchasing the entire 12 part saga via iTunes, you can wait just a tad longer and get the entire series (5 hours worth) on Blu-Ray and DVD on March 3, 2009. Included in the DVD is a $7.50 in movie cash to apply to the purchase of your movie ticket, as if you needed any additional incentive to see the movie when it opens March 6, 2009. via Warner Home Video

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Between now and OSCAR time, Warner Bros. and IMAX are teaming to rerelease The Dark Knight movie in IMAX theaters around the world.   Take the jump to find out where the biggest grossing movie of 2008 will be showing, and if you have time, go see it again.

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Guillermo del Toro confirmed to MTV News that hellboy creator Mike Mignoloa was coming on board the Hobbit production team to help out with early visualizations for the film.  Having seen del Toro’s take on Hellboy and knowing the two can create some rather twisted and scary images, I’m hopeful the Orcs come out of their caves with some badass designs that scare me as much as the Rankin-Bass design did when I was a wee tot. via Splash Page

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A whole slew of Star Trek toys based on the upcoming JJ Abrahms movie are making their way toward toy stores in the coming months.  Playmates Toys has a cool collection of action figures and sets, including the Enterprise bridge (only $25!). The starring triumvirate of Kirk, Spock and McCoy will be available in 3¾-inch ($7), 6-inch ($9-$10) and 12-inch ($30) models. Also available will be figures of the original Spock, who meets the young Spock in a time anomaly. Other crewmembers will be available in the smaller sizes. Playsets include the Enterprise Bridge and Transporter Room. Mattel is also…

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