Canto braves the Emerald Tower once again to save his friends, trusting that his allies will reach New Arcana in time. But does the Shrouded Man have more tricks up his sleeve? Find out in Canto: A Place Like Home #1 from Dark Horse Comics!
Writer: David M. Booher
Artist: Drew Zucker
Colorist: Vittorio Astone
Letterer: Andworld Design
Editor: Spencer Cushing
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: June 5, 2024
Previously in Canto: Canto has been on a quest to save his people’s lives and keep their clockwork hearts from stopping. First, he must stop the mysterious Shrouded Man who kept them in captivity for so long. As his quest changes and expands, Canto makes friends and discovers allies along the way. But now he is faced with the difficult choice between defending his home – and saving his friends who are imprisoned in the Emerald Tower!
Canto: A Place Like Home #1 opens with the title character making his way into and up through the Emerald Tower again with a mental dialogue running between him and the Shrouded Man. The Shrouded Man reminds him that the last time he came here on his quest, he found nothing. His home is under siege, yet here he is again. What does he expect to find this time? Why should it be any different? Why does he believe he can still succeed?
Outside New Arcana, Essa is on watch and sees the Shrouded Man’s army approaching from the distance. Looking through a telescope, she sees that it is even bigger than they had feared. She races back to town and calls for the Elder, who in turn sends word for them to gather their forces. Essa reminds him that they have not heard from Canto. Elder is certain that the allies Canto promised will come. Canto has never let his people down, even when he thought he had. Then he makes a really profound statement. They all have limited time left on their clocks. They know that time is running out. Yet they can still choose how they spend the time that they have left.
Elder decides that he will use what little remaining time he has to go out and meet the army and talk with them. Canto sacrificed his heart to carry the Shrouded Man’s heart. He needs time to defeat him. Perhaps Elder can not only give his people more time to prepare but buy some additional time for Canto.
Canto finally reaches the place where his friends are being held prisoner and releases them from their cells. Then he finds Falco and releases him. Falco is nearing the end of his time and Canto decides he must be taken to Elder. Before he collapses, Falco tells him that the Shrouded Man is headed for New Arcana.
The Shrouded Man appears and speaks, taunting Canto for thinking he could succeed so easily. He says he will spare Canto’s people if Canto gives him his own heart so he can destroy it. Canto races toward him, determined to return the Shrouded Man’s heart to his own body. The Shrouded Man disappears. He was never actually there. It was only a vision. This has all been a distraction.
Canto: A Place Like Home #1 opens with a montage of Canto’s progress up the Emerald Tower, and the art does a couple important storytelling things here. It gives us a sense of movement and action with panels that show Canto breaking the door down and encountering battles along the way. It also gives space for the words. Canto and the Shrouded Man have a connection and can communicate. As the Shrouded Man focuses Canto’s thoughts on his past failures, we see Canto fall from the tower. His current progress is like a replay of his last visit here, a way to remind us of what has happened before now. Still, Canto is not afraid to face difficulties and to do his best to forge a different outcome.
New Arcana is deep in the woods, but Essa spots the army on the other side of a vast valley they must cross. The Shrouded Man’s army may be far away, but we can see there are no barriers to their approach. New Arcana seems more established since we last saw it. Canto’s people may have limited time, but they have been working hard to build a home for themselves, a place where they can live on their terms. Still, they are a small settlement. And Elder is just one small person brave enough to face an army to try to buy as much time as he can.
Canto #1 is the beginning of the concluding arc to what has been a long and terrific saga. Despite the dark overtones, there is still a thread of hope.
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Canto risks all to save his friends, but was that the correct decision?