Adley’s parents have gone missing in a realm that goes beyond normal comprehension. Thankfully she has a new companion to help her in her search. Your Major Spoilers review of Hexagon Bridge #2, awaits!

Writer: Richard Blake
Artist: Richard Blake
Editor: Oliver Zeller
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 18th, 2023
Previously in Hexagon Bridge: It’s the far-flung future and a gateway to other dimensions has appeared. Two explorers have gone missing beyond and only their daughter’s visions can provide any evidence that they’re still out there.
Hexagon Bridge #2 opens with Adley, and her grandfather being escorted through a massive laboratory by a scientist. Along the way, he explains the advances in the artificial intelligence they’ve been working on, Staden, and how it has truly developed a consciousness. They discuss the effectiveness of sending it in after Adley’s parents and they eventually come to a decision that they will tie Adley’s mind to the A.I.’s. Things then jump forward 12 years. Adley and Staden are walking through Italy as she explains that she had a dream the night before and how she thinks it’s about her parents. The two suddenly come across a pack of dogs gnawing on a corpse. During their escape, they run into someone that Adley recognizes but seems to be the only one who sees him. It’s then revealed that she and Staden were in a simulation. The duo and the others present then begin to discuss whether or not Adley and Staden are ready to begin the search.
A lot of books that are steep in ambiguity and mystery become tiresome and unwieldy, yet Hexagon Bridge #2 manages to avoid this. This issue doesn’t really tell the reader anything about what’s going on in the grand scheme of things, yet there are plenty of little pieces scattered about that hint at a possibility of what might be going on. This approach really works here because it doesn’t increase the amount of mystery that’s going on, instead, it takes the elements already introduced, which already have the air of mystique around them, and re-introduces them in a new way, which in turn reveals a little while also adding complexity. Basically, it’s cleverly written in a way that doesn’t make you feel dumb for not knowing exactly what’s going on. Beyond that, what really struck me though is that there’s a distinct lack of pessimism in regard to humanity in this. While this issue only gives glimpses at what might be happening in the world, what is shown suggests that humans are doing okay in the world they live in. While it’s unfair to say that one type of vision of the future is better than another, I can say that this view is refreshing in comics. The jump in time was surprising to see, but it was also the one thing that led to my only complaint about this issue. The relationship between Staden and Adley feels cold in a way that feels unusual for a team that’s been training together for 12 years. In fact, both Adley and Staden’s personalities feel a bit underdeveloped, and they come off as not being very impactful to the story.
Hexagon Bridge #2 is a gorgeous book. Its hand-painted look mixed with futuristic touches creates a nice juxtaposition that fits the tone. Where this really shines is in the moments where Staden and Adley are roaming through an Italian city. All the colors are warm and inviting, yet there’s a strong emphasis on how empty everything is, which creates a feeling of unease.
Hexagon Bridge, as a series, doesn’t lose any momentum between its first and second issue. It continues to be intriguing and moves the plot along just enough to create excitement for the next issue without feeling like anything was really rushed through, which is saying a lot for an issue that covers such a large span of time. The only thing that could make this better is just a little more life given to the main characters. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Hexagon Bridge #2
Hexagon Bridge #2 doesn’t suffer from any of the typical problems that 2nd issues tend to have. It moves things along nicely, it expands on what has already been established in interesting ways, and it creates excitement for what comes next.