The Fall has come and now Wren and Grey must navigate the new world. Your Major Spoilers review of Behold, Behemoth #2 from BOOM! Studios, awaits!
Writer: Tate Brombal
Artist: Nick Robles
Letterer: Andworld Designs
Editor: Ramiro Portnoy
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 7th, 2022
Previously in Behold, Behemoth: Some great cataclysm has hit the world in the time since Grey and Wren met each other while Grey was doing a welfare check.
Behold, Behemoth #1 opens up with Grey and Wren strolling through a meadow observing a small rodent. Danger then comes for the animal which in turn distresses Wren who reveals that she can transform into a monstrous creature. Later on the duo approach a settlement that is heavily guarded, which prompts Grey to hide Wren underneath his cloak. Grey seeks out someone who can hook him up with his prescription. Outside, a religious group has gathered praising something called behemoths. Suddenly Grey starts to suffer from pains that increase in severity until they reach a breaking point. Outside a massive beast emerges from the ground, devouring the religious sect. Things then move back in time to one of the first interactions Grey and Wren had.
Behold, Behemoth #2 manages to handle a shift in time pretty well. It doesn’t linger too long on the ins and outs of the new society or anything like that, but it does introduce a few interesting elements. In particular, the religious sect that they introduce is intriguing. Also, the interactions between Grey and Wren are nice. They don’t have quite a daughter/father relationship, but more of an older brother/younger sister sort of interaction. The pharmacist that Grey meets is also well-realized. They aren’t so foreign sounding to be annoying, but has a unique way of talking that drives home that time and society has changed. After that though, there just isn’t much going on here. The plot doesn’t move ahead, it just sort of lingers around on a single event and stretches that out quite a bit. On top of that, it doesn’t reveal anything about the lore or events that happened between the first issue and this one. On top of that, no answers are given here, instead they deepen the mystery in a very inelegant way, by use of a cryptic message combined with a cliffhanger.
Behold, Behemoth #2 does a few things well. It establishes the new time era well and has some pretty good character interactions. But, nothing else really happens this issue, and doesn’t bother to answer any of the questions brought up in the first issue, only adding to them. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
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There’s nothing extremely bad about Behold, Behemoth #2, but unless the first issue really grabbed you, there isn’t much reason to drop the cash on this one and even so, this is a bit unsatisfying.