And that’s why Rogue Sun has to fight for his life. The villain Ornate is the master of #TimeTravelShenangigans. Or is that lives? Your Major Spoilers review of Rogue Sun #7 from Image Comics awaits! Time is broken.
Writer: Ryan Parrott and Nick Cotton
Artist: Ze Carlos
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: Becca Carey
Editor: Michael Busuttil
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2022
Previously in Rogue Sun: After the shocking ending to his fight with Cataclysm, Dylan has no idea what to do next-but luckily, he has YOU to help! In this very special issue, you make the decisions and choose Dylan’s path in a fight against an enemy who controls time itself!
We open at the Bell Estate, where Dylan/Rogue Sun has just finished a game with his not-exactly brother, who insists that our hero was cheating and storms out. Once he’s gone, Dylan admits that he WAS cheating (which becomes important later). The heroic life calls, however, and he sets out to fight off a sea monster, only to have time stop dead, with a strange being calling itself Ornate taking credit. Dylan finds himself trapped in a strange causality loop, with us, the readers, deciding where he goes. Death ensues, but each time, Rogue Sun finds himself back at the beginning, with Ornate repeatedly telling him that to survive, Dylan need only join him and follow his commands. Death after death after death follows, until…
…jump to paragraph 2 for your answer!
This isn’t the first Choose Your Own Adventure-style comic book I’ve ever read, but I have to admit, it is one of the most successful, mostly because it gives us the answer to Rogue Sun’s dilemma on the very first page, then waits for us and Dylan to figure it all out. My favorite part of the issue, though, is in seeing Rogue Sun snarkily mock Ornate, making fun of his name and look even as he is repeatedly blown up, stabbed, and burned to death. The art makes every iteration feel dynamic, and it’s a testament to the creators that the third time I cycled through (which meant the third run through page ten, by the way) things still felt exciting. That’s when the most brilliant part of the comic made itself clear, and I immediately added a full star to my ranking of the issue.
Without giving away the game, Rogue Sun #7 does the time warp again and again, with really lovely art and a clever story that allows the reader to become an important part of the action, ending with a moment that makes it clear that we might not have seen the end, earning 4 out of 5 stars overall. Best of all, it’s not just a gimmick for the sake of a clever bit, Dylan ends the story smarter and more capable as a hero than he was at the beginning, while Ornate clearly isn’t done yet. If you’re not a Massiveverse fan yet, this would make a GREAT place to start.
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A clever gimmick that actually transcends itself and wraps back around, with fun art throughout and hints of bigger threats in the wings. Good stuff.