Frontiersman has donned his costume once more for a good cause. But with his return, heroes and villains come to pay their respects. Find out more in Frontiersman #5 by Image Comics!
Writer: Patrick Kindlon
Artist: Marco Ferrari
Colorist: Marco Ferrari
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: James Hepplewhite
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 26th, 2022
Previously in Frontiersman: Frontiersman has been coaxed out of retirement for an environmentalist group. Despite trying to stay in the background, he has become a spokesperson to protect the cutting of a Pacific Redwood. He has been attacked by villains and even met an old flame. But he is hurt, injured, and gaining much media attention. How long can he hold out?
Frontiersman #5 begins right after our hero sleeps with Brynhilde. After they resolve their relations, Frontiersman realizes that he is on camera for the whole world to see. As Bryn leaves, Frontiersman tries to figure out his next step when he is suddenly attacked by Regionaire and his gang. Frontiersman is still a hero despite his age, and his instinct comes in. He kicked a villain named Bear off and knocked out a woman with a futuristic lance. Now it is up to Frontiersman to defeat Regionaire. After a lot of banter, a few things happen. The lance explodes down where the cops and cameramen are, Regionaire kills Bear, and Frontiersman barely survives his fight with his enemies. The issue draws to a close, with Frontiersman scarcely able to keep himself from falling off the tree to his death.
There is so much going on in Frontiersman #5. At first, I thought it would be straight action, but I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the commentary. Frontiersman is an older hero, and these are new villains. There is thus this comparison between the old and the new. The series tells us that the older generation still has something to provide for us even if we ignore it. Frontiersman still has something to provide for the world. While reading this series, I wonder if they are going to kill off our protagonist by the end of this story arc or if they are going to let him live. I think both will make an excellent ending to this story.
I wanted to talk briefly about the conversation between Regionaire and Frontiersman about this hero versus villain’s legacy. There is this idea that heroes need villains to fight against. Does the world need balance? If we have a positive force, must it be balanced with the negative? That is an exciting idea, and I hope they explore that in the next story arc.
I don’t think I enjoyed Frontiersman #5 as much as the previous issue, but that is because of how much space fighting and action takes. There are so many exciting things that I didn’t want to focus on the fight. I admit that the conflict was a tool that the creative team used to control pacing very intelligently. Without the battle, the information would have been given too quickly. Frontiersman #5 is a 4 out of 5 stars, and I’m looking forward to the next issue.
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Frontiersman #5 feels like a well-established hero has been around for decades, and this is remarkable hard to achieve in only five issues.