Vale needs to be cured and the best person to do that is D.A.D. Find out what shenanigans Vale, Timor, and Krysta get into in No Time Left to Fight II #2 by Dark Horse Comics!
Writer: Aubrey Sitterson
Artist: Fico Ossio
Colorist: Fico Ossio and Raciel Avila
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Editor: Brett Israel
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 10th, 2021
Previously in No Time Left to Fight: The world’s greatest fighter is dying, and his friends and allies are searching for a cure. But can Vale and Timor put aside their rivalry to be able to stop this affliction before it kills him?
No Time Left to Fight II #2 starts with D.A.D. running tests on Vale while also being fed by Krysta’s mom. Timor’s jealousy continues to rise as Krysta’s parents enjoy seems to be getting along with Vale but not him. D.A.D. needs a closer look and shrinks Krysta and Timor into Vale’s body. Here, Timor proves himself by fighting off food particles and white blood cells while D.A.D. collects data from Vale’s brain. After a big battle, they return back to normal size and Timor finally receives affirmation from D.A.D. After the test, the trio learn that Vale brings himself closer to death every time he powers up. So, Timor suggests a spiritual healer to help. A witch from his past.
I keep looking for depth in No One Left to Fight II #2 when it is just a good fun story. There is a lot of humor in seeing Timor’s attempts to impress Krysta’s parents or watching Vale eat while there are people exploring his body. It feels like a rather superficial read that is there for your enjoyment. Though I do have to say, the art is really spectacular. I get a lot of Alice in Wonderland vibes when you see the color choices and shading that the creative team have chosen to do. That and all the characters are eye candy on the page.
I’m looking forward to seeing how the camaraderie between Vale and Timor progresses, but this comic is just enjoyable easy read.
No One Left to Fight II #2 is a fun great story that is an easy read. I think this is a great comic to pick up just to see the art. This is a 3.5 out of 5 comic. Fun and exciting but doesn’t have the depth I usually want from my comics.
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No Time Left to Fight II #2 is a fun read that has spectacular art choices.