Of all the various power archetypes, every super-team worth its salt needs to have a shapeshifter. From your Beast Boys who have a specific theme or group for their transformations to your Chameleon Boys who turn into whatever they want to your Mystiques who just change their faces, the shifters are a staple of superhuman fiction. Of course, there’s often a downside, such as with poor doomed Morph/Changeling, leading us to today’s can’t-tie-his-shoes-without-an-oven-mitt query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) always worries that I’d be one of the gloopy, amorphous formed ones, which is just kinda gross, asking: Given the chance, would you want to be a shapeshifter?
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Sure, as long as my real form wouldn’t be anything too weird. Chameleon boy or Mystique would be alright, but some weird space slug is a no go.