Your humble MS-QOTD has just finished opening holiday gifts in our multi-holiday wrapapalooza (I got a Stretch Armstrong, you guys! And a PS4, but I’m psyched about my Stretch Armstrong!), and I am preparing for the ritual watching of the Doctor in a few hours. But before I go much further, I wanted to check in with every one of the Faithful Spoilerites and say hey. I hope, if you’re celebrating, you’re having a good one and if you’re not, I hope that it’s a great day anyway. Nearly a dozen years ago, when Stephen offered to let me write for this cool site he’d been working one, I thought it’d be fun, but I never imagined the sense of belonging, the enjoyment of sharing new junk with Faithful Spoilerites and getting to talk to you every day (and on the podcasts and on the social media and and and), leading to today’s festive query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) may be an imaginary internet fellow, but you are the best invisible nerd friends a feller could ask for, asking: Did you guys, be ye Spoilerite, Critter, Fiver, Clubhouser, fellow MSP creator or what-have-you, know that you’re awesome, each and every one of yas?
I’m not awesome, I’m merely pretty sort of marvelous.
And I hope all of you (MS crew and other readers alike) all have/had a great holiday whatever you celebrate, and even if you don’t I hope you had a great day or week or just something good happen.
I kinda had a hunch. All the rest here are, so I had a pretty good chance too.