I know what you’re thinking: What the heck does that stand for? Well, Faithful Spoilerites, the BAPW or “Bad A$$ Power Walk” is that moment where our hero does the slow-motion walk towards the camera/reader, with bonus points awarded if the background features fire or explosions. It’s perhaps my favorite recent cinematic cliché, especially with an ensemble cast, even if you worry that they’re in a hallway that’s been cursed by a witch, leading to today’s slo-mo query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would like to point out that Kaneda from ‘Akira’ did his while the world literally ended, which has gotta be worth extra points, asking: What character performed the greatest BAPW in all the worlds?
The slo-mo walk segment of the “Smile Time” episode of “Angel” when puppet Angel walked with a sword over his shoulders with the gang on their way to kill the puppet demons.
Snake Plissken in Escape from L.A. Screws over totalitarian U.S. government and shuts down power from all of North America, walks away, lights his cigarette, looks straight at camera and blows off his match. Fade to black, credits.
Iron Man vs the tank in the first Iron Man movie. Fires the micro missile, then turns and walks away from the tank without making sure its destroyed.
Runner up is Heath Ledger’s ad libbed scene from the Dark Knight with the botched hospital demolition.
Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor because the explosion was a little bigger than planned yet he kept in character.