With the new Star Wars movie coming closer every day, the activities of a galaxy far, far away will pop up more frequently. Today, the question of right and wrong, of good vs. evil, of your politics and the other guy’s politics collide as we ask the all important question – Which side are you on?
[poll id=”406″]Make sure you use the comment section to make a coherent argument for your side.
Change from inside the system is more my style than acts of terrorism, so I side with the Empire. I’m not anti-Rebel, though, and would likely look the other way as long as they aren’t harming innocent citizens.
If we’re just talking about the government and policies, I have to side with the Rebels over the super specist… species-ist… Uhhh… “Human Power!” of the Empire.
Now, that being said, I think that the Sith have the better view of the Force, and the only time we ever see a Jedi really beat a Sith in the movies is when they give in to their passion and emotion.
Stylish uniforms, sleek and horribly beweaponed ships and a chance to hang out with Darth Vader. Why wouldn’t I join the Empire?
The Empire has a better benefits package than the Rebel Alliance. The Empire I can be some no name cog with less of a chance to be killed.
The Empire is at its core evil and I don’t like evil. We know the rebels win eventually anyway. Sign me up with the rebel scum!
Empire for sure. They have the best theme song, and it’s always best to side with the cooler side of the soundtrack.