Damien Chazelle creating and debuted a short film at Sundance last year titled Whiplash in order to gather funding for a full feature that turned out to be an Oscar winner. thankfully we can now watch the J.K. Simmons short film online.
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Chazelle’s short film ended up being sort of a controversy for this year’s Oscars as Whiplash ended up being nominated for “Best Adapted Screenplay” instead of “Original”. But, if I was Chazelle or anyone else involved with Whiplash I wouldn’t be upset at that distinction as the full feature still walked away with three Oscars by the end of the night.
While J.K. Simmons made the jump from the short to the full feature, Johnny Simmons would scoot down a chair with Miles Teller coming in to play the role of Andrew for the film. Also staying with the production was editor Tom Cross, whose uses of rhythm and pacing landed him an Oscar as well.