Alex Garland, writer of 28 Days Later, is set to bring us his directorial debut next year with Ex Machina. Get a first look at the film exploring humans, computers and AI with the first teaser trailer.
Ex Machina | Official Teaser Trailer HD | A24
SUBSCRIBE: erase the line between man and machine is to obscure the line between men and gods. — Now available on iTunes, Amazo…
With Her coming out last year and Ex Machina due out in the spring of 2015, could we be seeing a new trend of films dealing with ever increasing chances of humans creating a life-like AI? I would be perfectly okay with that, especially if the quality continues on like this.
Oscar Isaac plays the CEO of a tech company who invites the man to meet and test out the first true artificial intelligence. Isaac has been picking incredible roles for the past few years with Drive and Inside Llewyn Davis and has been cast in Star Wars Episode VII, so you can bet that we will be seeing much more of his face in the coming years.
Ex Machina comes to theaters on April 10, 2015.