Bodies #1 was a wonderfully intriguing mystery surrounding the same dead body being found throughout time in the same street of London. Murder, mystery and a secret society all play a part in the story. Major Spoilers attempts to uncover some answers in the review of issue two.
Writer: Si Spencer
Artist: Dean Ormston, Phil Winslade, Tula Lotay, Meghan Hetrick
Letterer: Taylor Esposito, Dezi Sienty
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Editor: Shelly Bond
Publisher: Vertigo
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Bodies: The body of a mutilated man has been found in the streets of London. The problem with this mystery is it has been found in multiple time periods. Now, each detective responsible for the case must discover the answers behind the strange occurrence.
Si Spencer certainly surprised me with issue one and he doesn’t disappoint with number two. Juggling multiple story lines can be difficult and he does so with little missteps. There’s still a lot of setup taking place in some, with the future and 1940 times taking the most. Spencer still drops enough clues and progression, keeping them from becoming tedious. I appreciated that he mixed the order up from the first issue, creating a different reading experience. The obstacles each detective faces in their respective times continues to play a large part of the story and Spencer deals with them realistically. While the present day tale was my favorite in issue one, 1890 stole the show here. This detective has the most to overcome, both professionally and personally. Being homosexual in those times was extremely difficult and seeing Hillinghead how manages was a wonderful character moment. Spencer doesn’t shy away from the disturbing aspects of the time either. Filth, child prostitution and bigotry are all on display and help paint the dirty picture. There’s clearly a secret cabal or society behind something and the symbol is sprinkled throughout the book. I enjoyed seeing how many I could find, if I was even finding them, and looking for other clues. It adds another layer to the read and I found myself engaged even more. More symbols pop up in the future tale and I’m going to attempt to find the meaning in my spare time. The future setting continues to be the weakest part with little clarity to the events and the nature of the setting lends to much confusion. Modern day’s section took a slight dive, focusing more on Shahara and Barber’s relationship rather than the mystery. Regardless, Bodies #2 is a success and I’m eagerly awaiting the next issue, especially after the cliffhanger Spencer drops.
The amount of artists on Bodies continues to work for the book, each handling their own time period. Quality hasn’t changed much from issue one and I’m perfectly satisfied with that. Dean Ormston’s style fits the Victorian era perfectly and is the artist that’s paired with a period the best. Meghan Hetrick is another standout and I’m eager to see what she does next. While Tula Lotay’s style isn’t to my liking, the future section of the book has the best and most vibrant coloring. In fact, Lee Loughridge does a fantastic job coloring the book and proves just how effective a good colorist can be. His choices for each story are fantastic and really help set the stage. As always, it’s a matter of preference and while I may not like certain artist’s style I don’t think any are questionable or bad.
I find myself looking forward to each issue of Bodies more and more. It continues to be a wonderful twist on a murder mystery and Spencer writes each story within beautifully. Every artist does a great job with their section and Lee Loughridge’s coloring is a standout. Bodies #2 continues to engage the reader and provides clues that add to the reading experience. I’m all in and strongly recommend that mystery fans go pick this one up.