LOS ANGELES, CA (September 4, 2006) – After five years of serving many deserving men and women within the comics industry, A Commitment To Our Roots (A.C.T.O.R.) Comic Fund is changing its name. The new name, The Hero Initiative – complete with new logo – will open its doors to operate in all markets, both comics fans and general consumers alike, in its mission to raise funds to deliver assistance to comic book creators in need.
“I think we did a very good job of establishing ‘brand identity’ for A.C.T.O.R. within the comic market. But as soon as we took the mission outside the village of comics, you’d see confusion in people’s eyes,” said Jim Mclauchlin, president of The Hero Initiative. “The ‘Hero’ concept is one that ties very, very closely to comics, and resonates well. It lets everyone know what we’re about.”
The name change will enable the organization to dissolve the barriers that were getting in its way to help build its momentum while boosting its ongoing evolution and outreach to broader audiences.
“In order to start moving into the mainstream consciousness, we needed to a name that would resonate with everyone whether or not they read comics,” McLauchlin added. “And we’re not stopping with a new name and logo – we will be announcing a new board of directors this week.”
A.C.T.O.R. is extremely grateful for the support it has received in the past from companies, individuals, retailers, websites and conventions and looks forward to working together in the future under its new name.
“When I was first approached about being involved in this charity, I jumped at the chance,” said Joe Quesada, board member of The Hero Initiative, and of course, Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics. “Without slighting anyone else, I believe that there is no better cause in our industry today. None of what we enjoy today would exist without the incredible talents of the people who created the stories that have entertained all these years. There is no better way to give back and honor the legacy of every talented man and woman who has graced the pages of a comic book than by giving what you can to Hero. In our continued mission and with a new name, you’ll be helping those that have given you so much.”
The new website, http://www.HeroInitiative.org, and email address, HeroInitiative@aol.com, will be up and running this week. The phone and fax numbers and mailing address remains the same.
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays’ creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment. For more information, visit www.heroinitiative.org or call 310-909-7809.