So the new Batman series arrived this past weekend, featuring the character designs of one Thomas Perkins (hint: he’s the fellow that designed our Critical Hit t-shirts).
Batman works to stop eco-terrorists Professor Pyg and Mister Toad from taking their revenge over a shady land deal done by Simon Stagg and Michael Holt. Meanwhile, an aging Alfred hires his replacement: a female bodyguard named Katana. When Alfred is accidentally captured by Professor Pyg and Mister Toad when they were targeting Bruce Wayne, Batman must work to save the captives and defeat Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad.
Did you see the episode? What did you think? Use the comment section below to share your likes, dislikes, or general ranting and raving about the first episode.
Makes me miss The Outsiders.
I loved the fresh take on Alfred. Yes, they were one British accent away from an obligatory Harry Potter joke, but I greatly enjoyed the episode, and can’t wait to see Katana in action.
i know outside of Bruce,everyone had a british accent.
It was better than I expected. It has potential, especially with a cameo by Micheal Holt.
I haven’t seen it yet, but this Alfred seems more inspired Geoff Johns’ Batman Earth One from what I’ve heard.
Derek, Alfred is pretty much traditional Alfred. He’s burlier and has probably never been an actor, but beyond that he pretty much acts the same as he did in the comics, or even the 4th movie.