With the Godbomb nearing completion, Thor struggles to not only find a way to stop the bomb but stop Gorr the God-Butcher as well. Of course, this is sort of difficult when one is enslaved by said God-Butcher and escape is looking more and more impossible. How does one stop a Godbomb anyway? More after the jump!
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Esad Ribic
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Colorist: Ive Svorcina
Editor: Lauren Sankovitch
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously in Thor: God of Thunder: Everything keeps going from the bad to worse, as Shadrak reveals that—being the god of bombs—he helped Gorr the God-Butcher build a bomb capable of wiping out all the gods in the universe. Nevertheless, Twentysomething Thor and Old Man Thor team up to stop this nefarious plot and learn a little something about each other as well… mostly that time travel sucks and meeting your younger self would suck even more.
When Kid Thor attempts to further act the nuisance and get his fellow gods killed, three goddesses of thunder—and his future granddaughters—bring him to heel. After following them, he finds out about a plot by the god slaves to destroy the Godbomb with a bomb of their own. Of course, Kid Thor being Kid Thor, he makes a rash decision to get this plan going ahead of schedule. And meets his twentysomething and old man self in the process.
Aaron’s epic only continues to improve with age, becoming far more grandiose as it goes on. So far, this story has been the most unique out of all the Marvel Now launches, with maybe the exception of the Avengers. Not only is his writing engaging, but he’s also able to weave a plot that gets more and more intricate and masterly crafted as it progresses. Not to mention, he’s able to tackle time travel without mucking it up and raise a ton of questions that only further confuse instead of add to the storyline.
Gorr’s son is given a bit of face time as he mocks Thor by bringing up how great his father is and how his crusade of aggressive atheism will benefit everyone in the long run. It does raise some interesting questions. Gorr, in his effort to destroy all gods, has taken on mythic properties himself, slowly becoming that which he hates. Does he realize that he’s becoming the very thing he hates? Does he know she’s slipping further and further down that road? Does he care?
Then there’s the three Thunder Goddesses: Atli, Ellisiv and Frigg Wodendottir. As Thor’s granddaughters, they make up interesting characters that will hopefully be further delved into and maybe become part of the Marvel Thor mythos. Though it’s hard to tell which is which name-wise, since neither woman is addressed by her own unique name, each has their own distinct personality and, together with Old Man Thor, suggests that Thor does get some semblance of peace for a little while in at least one timeline. Plus, their place of power amongst the resistance and their go-to attitude makes them likeable and amusing when juxtaposed with their grandfather in his Kid Thor form.
Ribic’s art is and remains very strong for this series. Everything has a distinctly mythological Scandinavian feel. Despite being full of alien motifs on a planet much more foreign than a number of the realms, there is something distinctly Asgardian everywhere one looks.
Ribic’s character designs also continue to impress. He’s managed to make the three Thors stand out from one another, despite being the same person. While of course costume differences help out quite a bit, it’s also visible in their faces. It isn’t just the same face with a different helmet or eye-patch tacked on. It’s three very different faces and yet the same face.
The women are not rendered in their typical fashion. While they are fit (because presumably being a slave for eons does that to a person), they are more realistically proportioned. There is more of an emphasis placed on their strength instead of their sexuality. Any sexuality they may exude is placed on their dialogue and personalities, not their bodies.
In the end, Aaron sums up Ribic’s artwork best when he writes, “Maybe it’s just me, but I could watch Esad draw vikings and crazy floating castles and bloody winged horses and flying dragon ships until the cows come home.”
This series has been consistently good through its entire run so far, bringing a fun and trippy feel to the Thor mythos. This book continues that winning streak. As Aaron continues to weave a plot that only gets better as it goes on and Ribic continues to illustrate a vast and grotesquely beautiful universe, this is a series—and a book—that one should pick up as soon as possible. Overall, Thor: God of Thunder #8 earns four and a half stars out of five.
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