Diamond Select Toys has opened up pre-orders on the first Minimates series of Battle Beasts. Take the jump for a first look, as well as the two-pack breakdowns.
Vorin the Ram vs. the Scorpion
The leader of the the heroic band of rebels faces off with the leader of a nasty band of desert Beasts!
Merk the Falcon vs. The Tarantula
Vorin’s deadly comrade takes on one of the creepiest Beasts he’s ever encountered!
Gruntos the Walrus and Tate Reynolds (exclusive)
The trio’s good-natured powerhouse teams up with his newfound human compatriot!
Bliss Reynolds (exclusive) vs. The Snake
The human heroine is hunted by a slithering Beast for her knowledge of the Dread Weapons!
The Battle Beasts Minimates arrive in December.
1 Comment
Enh, still got my originals and they’re still better.