Well there’s no stopping the movie machine now. Warner Bros has announced release dates for its Green Lantern and Jonah Hex movies. Green Lantern is expected to arrive in theaters on December 17, 2010, just in time for the holiday season. WB made the wise decision ot move the date toward the end of the year, as the summer mega movie season is already packed with Iron Man 2, Thor, and The Green Hornet (providing Gondry gets nailed down as director) .
What competition will GL face in its opening weekend? Smurfs from Sony. That’s going to be a tough sell as the little kids will want to see the fun loving three-apple tall imps, while adults will want to venture into superhero fare. Oddly enough, it’s movies like the Smurfs that do incredibly well during the holidays, so there should be some concern that Green Lantern may not take the top spot in the box office.
If Warner Bros. is going to release Green Lantern during the Christmas holiday, that is probably the best date to do it, as Christmas day sees the release of Robert Downey Jr.’s Sherlock Holmes, the Alvin and the Chipmunks sequel, Disney’s Princess and the Frog, and Fox’s Tooth Fairy.
Jonah Hex, meanwhile, rides into theaters a couple of months earlier, on August 06, 2010. Josh Brolin is still set to play the scarred western hero, with John Malkovich co-starring.
Since mum is the word on who is playing Green Lantern, who do you want to see weilding one of the most powerful weapson in the universe? And will WB go the Thor route and find someone that is in their mid-twenties?
I hope Hex doesn’t get all screwed up… There is no reason for “Hollywood” to suckify it, based on the following points. 1) Cowboy movies have been done (and done well, in some cases) for decades now so 2) there is no reason to make this into a “comic book movie”. 3) The original material was not full of amazing special “F/X”, and had to live or die by the tale it told. So, like, c’mon people… Make this a good “cowboy movie” and let’s see if it holds up against Eastwood’s classics? Or even, y’know, aim higher than “Young Guns II”, please? :D
I know, I’ll be really disapointed if Hollywood goes with the Vertigo version of Hex. It’s not that hard to do.
Man, I still can’t believe GL is actually getting treated well.
@wyntermute: I’m a fan of the Young Guns movies, thank you.
I wouldn’t exactly mind if the GL movie features John Stewart, since in the popular consciousness right now, “Green Lantern is that black guy.” But I’m really hoping for Hal Jordan in this one. You can introduce John (and maybe Guy or Kyle) as background or supporting characters in the first movie.
That way you can set up a scene with the same vibe as Rhodey’s, “Next time, baby!” scene in Iron Man.
I honestly haven’t seen the Young Guns movies, but I always heard that the 2nd is not up to par with the 1st. That’s just opinion, and not even mine. :D I just needed an easy comedic out, so I went with YG2. Don’t worry, I enjoy some movies-of-questionable-quality too. I just couldn’t think of any that fit the cowboy metaphor I was working on. B-)