When innocent blood is spilled, a Spirit of Vengeance is born. Now, Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze has to deal with a Spirit gone rogue. Your Major Spoilers review of Spirits of Vengeance #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Writer: Sabir Pirzada
Artist: Sean Damien Hill
Inker: Craig Yeung and Jay Leisten
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Editor: Devin Lewis
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 11, 2024
Previously in Spirits of Vengeance: Many have borne the title Spirit of Vengeance, and as its most recent claimant has embarked on its final ride to explosive results, others still stir in the darker corners of the Marvel Universe!
One, in particular, has a stronger connection to two Ghost Riders than the rest, and after years, it’s ready to show its fangs again at last…
Somewhere in a cornfield, a strange skull sits atop a wooden body, scaring crows and local dogs alike. What it doesn’t scare is a group of idiot teens who have come to kiss the skeleton as part of an idiot teen dare. When a pair of them are left behind, they differ on the question of whether or not they are a romantic couple, leading to a bit of a scuffle. When Tyler tries to force himself on Kayla (a very uncomfortable scene, I might add), the skull ignites, bursting to life and declaring itself to be VENGEANCE! Cut to Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider, as he deals with a trio of Sirens in pursuit of a shell of unknown power. He easily overcomes them, warning them that he’ll be back if they misbehave, then sets out for parts unknown. Back in the field, an awakened Vengeance finds that he is in the care of a friend of his host, Michael Badilino, but that he and his host have somehow been separated, and he vows to find him.
As for Michael, he knows that the Spirit can’t hear him, but still tries to warn Vengeance that the whole setup is a trap.
Having checked out of the most recent Ghost Rider run because of the latest bearer of the mantle, I was surprised in this issue to find that Johnny Blaze has his full abilities back. I was also very surprised to see his transformation into a rubbery Rider whose flame-cycle looks more like hair than flames. The looseness of the pencils is distracting throughout the issue, with everyone from the quartet of idiot teens to a mysterious cult of pseudo-samurai looking very cartoonish and bulbous. It’s an odd choice of illustrating style for a character whose primary visuals are hard-edged, all skulls and machinery, but one that at least feels retro enough to bring back Vengeance, a relic forged from pure 1993. The basics of this issue’s story are solid enough, but the attempted assault on Kayla, followed by Johnny’s beat-down of the Sirens, combines to make it feel very misogynistic.
If I understand correctly, Spirits of Vengeance #1 is the first of a series that focuses not on a particular Spirit, but on all of them, with the promise of Danny Ketch, Robbie Eyes, Kushala, and other Riders/Spirits as well, but this first chapter combines an off-putting tone with elongated and “bloopy” art for a very mixed 2.5 out of 5 stars overall. Maybe it’s the decision to start with Vengeance (who has had two or three attempted big comebacks in the last five years, none of which quite made “Fetch” happen for him), but this issue feels like a bit of a misfire for me.
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Some unpleasantness leads to an unexpected resurrection, but it all feels a bit unmotivated, with art that doesn't match the tone of the story.