Hydra has stolen Spider-Woman’s son. She’s about to explain why that was a bad idea. Your Major Spoilers review of Spider-Woman #10 from Marvel Comics awaits!
Writer: Steve Foxe
Artist: Ig Guara
Colorist: Arif Prianto
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: M.R. Daniel and Ellie Pyle
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 21, 2024
Previously in Spider-Woman: A brutal fight will push Spider-Woman and the Assembly to their limits! Hydra stole Jessica’s son. What can she take from them?
And who among the Assembly will survive to begin a NEW life as Champions?
After finding that her toddler was kidnapped, aged up, and genetically engineered into a supervillain by the forces of Hydra, Spider-Woman went investigating. She found that her son wasn’t the only one turned into a superhuman, as the new teen heroes in town, The Assembly, also have memories of being trained by Hydra as sleeper agents. Spider-Woman #10 begins in mid-battle, as Spider-Woman goes head-to-head with Titan, the team’s mysterious leader, matching his armored Hulk-like might with her agility and venom blasts. Titan reveals himself to be The Gremlin (who has long been thought to be dead after a clash with Iron Man during the original Armor Wars back in ’87) and admits that it was he who turned Gerry into the Green Viper, leading Jessica to even greater levels of rage, all while Moon Squire, Cadet Marvel, Liberty, and Hellrune try to decide whether to help… or to run.
While I like the symmetry of Spider-Woman (who has repeatedly clashed with Hydra and had her memories altered by the terrorist organization) being the one to discover the brainwashed kids of The Assembly, it’s very frustrating that we’ve spent ten issues on the question Gerry Drew’s new status quo with no resolution. This issue does give us the foundation of the upcoming New Champions team, including Jess naming them by saying that the world can always use a few “new champions,” but the last several issues haven’t felt like a Spider-Woman title at all. Ig Guara’s art is dynamic stuff and gives us some lovely sequences with Jessica holding her own in battle against Titan, but I’m not always as much of a fan of his facial expressions. That’s a bit of an issue with the New Champions team and only a little bit less so with Spider-Woman
Even with the disappointment of the search for Gerry going unresolved, Spider-Woman #10 is an okay comic book, giving us the setup for Marvel’s hot new super-team while unfortunately overshadowing the title hero a bit, earning 3 out of 5 stars overall. A cynical side of me worries that Marvel is going to ignore Green Viper to get rid of Spider-Woman’s parenthood entirely, but I still have hope that Spider-Woman’s upcoming role in West Coast Avengers will feature more of Jessica’s personal life.
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Spider-Woman's search for her son is sidetracked by the launch of Marvel's "New Hotness", ending Jess' latest series with ambiguity and more than a little frustration, despite strong art and some nice character work.