Not all mutants are X-Men. Find out what happens when Kamala Khan goes to college in New York City and meets mutants trying to thrive in NYX #1 by Marvel Comics!

NYX #1
Writer: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Artist: Francesco Mortarino
Colorist: Raul Angulo
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Annalise Bissa
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 24, 2024
Previously in NYX: After the exodus from the nation of Krakoa, young mutants have come to New York City for different reasons, but Ms. Marvel has never really left. After helping the X-Men rid Empire State University of Orchis influence, Ms. Marvel is now a student. But how will she manage in a post-Krakoa world?
NYX #1 starts with Kamala Khan rushing to take ESU’s “Examinations in the Post-Krakoan Diaspora” class. However, she accidentally runs into Sophie Cuckoo, who is also taking the same class. After hearing the lecture from Prodigy, Sophie and Kamala hit the town. Sophie uses her powers to get into a bar where Anole is bartending, but Truthseekers, an anti-mutant group, target him. Kamala stops the Truthseekers and is kicked out of the bar, but then realizes that she needs to stop the Truthseekers from an attack they plan to blame on mutants.
As she travels, she runs into Laura Kinney’s Wolverine, who warns her that she might not be ready for the life of a mutant. That doesn’t deter Kamala as she enters the battle and meets a new villain, the Krakoan. The Krakoan is a mutant who is destroying the subway system. She fails to defeat the Krakoan but saves a group of people. After bandaging her wounds, she returns home. Meanwhile, we meet the antagonist of the first arc. The Krakoan is actually Hellion, working with the Stepford Cuckoos and Empath.
Out of all the new X-Men series coming forward, I was most interested in NYX. My day job is as a college professor, but I am also a doctoral student. In a way, this story is perfect for me and who I am. And NYX #1 didn’t disappoint. I was fascinated by the characterization of every character introduced here because each character was given a page or two to develop before the next character was introduced. The setting is attractive because we know Orchis controlled the school, and these new mutant-focused courses could be engaging. The plot leads to excellent conflict for all the characters. We have a remarkable story with those elements, and the inciting incident draws me in. I love this book already and the direction in which it is going. With the excellent art style, I think we are in for a treat with this title in the post-Krakoan world.
I had certain expectations for NYX #1, and every expectation was met. As someone who has dealt with many issues that X-Men titles tend to address, Kamala is a great character to explore these themes. Because college is relatable, I was on board with nearly every element here, from trying to get to class on time to sneaking into a bar when you feel uncomfortable due to peer pressure to the college professor trying to eat when a student suddenly calls. With that in mind, NYX #1 is a solid 5 out of 5 for me. I don’t think everyone will be interested, but this was perfect for me.
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NYX #1
NYX #1 is an excellent title to reintroduce yourself to Kamala Khan and gain insight into how the rest of the world views mutants after the Fall of Krakoa.