Griz has the creature, but is caught between Azare-Ra-Toth, his mutant ex-girlfriend, and the government. What is a monster hunter to do? Find out in Monsters Are My Business #4 from Dark Horse Comics!
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Patrick Piazzalunga
Colorist: Marco Brakko
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Daniel Chabon
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 10, 2024
Previously in Monsters Are My Business: Mama Torment, mutant leader of the Howling Gargoyles, is Griz’s ex and she is ready to tear him and his friends limb from limb. She wants the creature he rescued. Cuddles tries out his new flamethrower on the Gargoyles. It is a stand off until some of the locals arrive and help out by pitching pickles at the thugs. Griz and crew beat a hasty retreat to a hideout near where the creature was imprisoned. Griz convinces Jenkin to tell him more. The agency thinks this creature is the key to contacting even greater powers, if they could only figure out how. They try using Hillary’s magic – and bring forth the Outer God Azare-Ra-Toth!
Monsters Are My Business #4 opens with Azare-Ra-Toth ready to exterminate the world, but willing to allow Griz and his buddies to plead for mercy. The creature recognizes Azare-Ra-Toth as its father, but it is no longer part of the hive mind. Griz’s mind is filled with visions and memories. He sees all the terrible things he has done, his hopeless attempts to set things right, and everything he will never get to do.
He announces that he is willing to cut a deal, leading to protests from Hillary, from Jenkin, even from Cuddles. But if the world is going to be destroyed, why shouldn’t he get a little kickback? Azare-Ra-Toth agrees – and Griz changes his mind. The Outer God is not amused.
Griz tells his friends he has some ideas, and he approaches the creature with his axe. Jenkin tries to stop him. The creature is still a valuable asset. Griz punches Jenkin. The next we see of Griz, he visits the Howling Gargoyles with the creature in tow and offers it to Mama Torment. In return, he wants her to leave Bog Town and keep the Gargoyles away as well. She agrees. Griz walks out. Some of the Gargoyles hear a strange beeping that seems to be coming from the creature and then Griz detonates the explosive.
But Griz did not actually kill the creature! He took a bit of its blood and used it to create another monster, but one that was the typical mindless servitor spawn. I, for one, was relieved. We have a moment to appreciate that before Mama Torment crashes into Griz’s hideout. She wants his soul. Hillary insists that it’s already slated to go to someone else. And another fight ensues.
The art of Monsters Are My Business #4 continues to be gloriously overwrought. The story introduces an Outer God, so naturally things get a little crazy. Azare-Ra-Toth is so large that not only does he fill panels, on the opening page he fills the background as well. He has creepy eyes, a large, central one with a vertical slit of a pupil flanked by a couple pairs of dark, enigmatic ones. In his presence, everyone starts looking freaked out, even Cuddles. We see several close ups of Griz, and his scowl is so intense that it draws his face together. The focus is strong enough that it sells the idea that he could consider killing the creature he rescued.
The creature is so expressive and continues to be probably the most sympathetic character in the book. Its body may be covered in eyes but the face, although horse-like, is easy to read. It has a couple eyes on stalks above its face, and I like how they echo the liquid emotion of its regular eyes. We see its realization of what Azare-Ra-Toth is doing and the horror of understanding that it is a literal child of this Outer God. But the other thing this does is set us up for when it looks like Griz has lost it and decided to sacrifice it.
Monsters Are My Business #4 is a wild ride that is entertaining and has a satisfying ending which remains somewhat open. This is a strange world full of unusual characters, and we have dabbled in it delightfully.
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Griz manages to smooth out some of the complications in his life.