It’s the ‘80s in Sacramento, where skating was the coolest thing you could do, and people liked saying the word queef a lot. Your Major Spoilers review of Grommets #1, awaits!

Writers: Rick Remender and Brian Posehn
Artist: Brett Parson
Colorist: Moreno Dinisio
Letterer: Rus Wooten
Editor: Harper Jaten
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 29th, 2024
Previously in Grommets: Rick is the new kid in town, having been moved around a lot by his family. He doesn’t know anybody and only seems to care about comics and skateboarding, but he’s ready to make some friends.
Grommets #1 starts with Rick being driven to school by his dad, but not before grabbing a beer for the road. Once he gets to school the teasing begins almost immediately, due to something his dad said. Things continue this way as Rick makes it through his first day. After school, Rick sees a group of kids with skateboards and tries to buddy up with them. But, when he tries to get permission from his mom to go to the local skatepark, they ditch him. But another boy named Brian latches onto him and offers him a ride with his grandpa to the skatepark. Along the way the two bond over their skateboards and the band Rush, while Brian boasts about his skating prowess. Once at the park, Brian gets a chance to put his skills on display.
Grommets #1 isn’t a love letter to the ‘80s as a whole, rather it’s a niche ode to a tiny sliver of the ‘80s, and in keeping this so limited it injects a sense of authenticity that is rare in period pieces. The events of this issue have the feeling of things that have been lived through and have gained a sort of grandeur that only comes from having existed in someone’s memory for decades. In reality, the dialog probably didn’t play out the way it’s shown here, but the weight of all the memories that have come after having left this bit feeling like a dense marble of slang, skewed dimensions, and emotion. That being said, this issue also takes on a certain tone that carries throughout, which is “things were different back then.” Every page feels like it’s really trying to drive home just how unhinged and wild things were in the 80s, to the point where it becomes fantastic. There is heart here though and that is on display best with the interactions between Rick and Brian. Neither comes off as particularly deep characters yet, but their instant connection feels warm and legitimate. The rest of the characters feel a bit flat and are merely there to serve the function of pushing Brian and Rick together.
Grommets #1 is a showcase of how to use every aspect of a comic book to help tell the story. Everything from the artwork itself to stylized gutters, to page layouts, all the way to lettering is utilized to establish tone and emotion. One moment in particular really stands out, and it’s where a piece of rock plays an integral part in the plot. Rather than just showing the rock, things are pulled back to show the origin of the rock back at the formation of the universe, through the time of dinosaurs, through early American history, all the way to the moment it landed in the present. It’s a moment that establishes the sort of inevitability that this moment has, and it’s done completely through visuals.
Grommets #1 is the sort of memoir-style comic that doesn’t revel in melodrama or trauma. Rather it seems to exist in order to capture a tiny portion of history, not in exquisite accuracy but in the necessary ways needed to hang on to a feeling. Tonally it feels one-note, but that doesn’t stop it from being heartfelt and endearing. Visually this comic has everything going for it in ways that go beyond just looking nice. All in all, this is a solid read for anyone looking for something that will remind them of simpler times. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Grommets #1
Grommets #1 is a heartwarming and visually wonderful look into a tiny slice of ‘80s nostalgia that will ring true for anyone who’s experienced what it’s like to find friendship in otherwise hostile environments.