Whisk away with Jason and Ashley as we traverse the eerie and enchanting corridors of Neil Gaiman’s imaginarium to the world of Dead Boy Detectives. On today’s episode prepare to be spellbound as we unravel the comic book lore of Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine, paranormal investigators from the pages of The Sandman. With the clock ticking towards their Netflix series debut on April 25th, it’s time to dust off your detective hats for a spectral podcast investigation.
Listen to “497: Dead Boy Detectives” on Spreaker.
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1 Comment
Given Gaiman, “Charles Rowland” is more likely referencing The Song of Roland than the Steven King Dark Tower series that also gives a nod to this same source.
From wikipedia: it is “an 11th-century chanson de geste based on the Frankish military leader Roland at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in AD 778, during the reign of the Carolingian king Charlemagne.”